But, as lovely as a capo would be right about now, I’ve still managed to let some frustration out by jamming on the guitar a bit. I’ve gotta make myself stop writing songs with only two strings! Hopefully it won’t be too hard to remember everything and put the rest of the notes together when I’ve attained the rest of them.
Well, it’s pretty rainy and dreary today, which usually isn’t a bad thing, but this particular day, it’s a bit of a menace. My older sister had to go to the hospital for a breathing test because of her asthma, so my mom’s been gone pretty much all day long, which is a HUGE bummer cause me and my dad don’t get along so well. Luckily I got school done relatively fast, and we have to go back out shopping a bit more, AND we’re coloring Easter eggs together tonight, so hopefully we can salvage what’s left of today.
In the course of trying to figure out what I’m going to do with myself all summer long, my mom suggested trying embroidery. So, when school is out (THREE WEEKS!!), I’m going to go to Michael’s Arts and Crafts and buy myself a pattern to start on. I’m hoping that by the end of this year, I can get good enough at it to go out and buy a large one with a ship on it, make the sail purple, then hang it up in my room. Plus, my little sister is going to paint my new bedroom door to look like the wardrobe door in The Lion, The Witch, and the Wardrobe, so every time I go to enter my room, it’s like I’m walking into Narnia! I can’t WAIT for that to be done. I’ll definitely snap some pictures and post them when it is.
I’ve also finally decided what I’m going to do with the last bits of my room that I can personalize. (In light of what my door is going to look like, I asked my mom if I could put a lamp post in the middle of my room… she did not exactly condone this idea, haha). There’s a long space above my desk on the wall where I want to hang all the Narnia film posters, given that I can track them down. d: And then, with a lot of hard work, I’m going to raise enough money to buy myself a copy of Rhindon (anywhere from $200 to &3000, yiiiiiiikes), which I’ll hang in the space over my door. This will probably take me until I move out haha, but it’ll be so worth it to see it at it’s completion!
Well, I’ve rambled long enough. Hope everyone is having a splendid weekend! :D
DBF out!