I adore this one. Very much so. It's great in length, and I really like the colors.. too bad it's strapless. Strapless things and I.. well.. let's just say that we don't get along so well. Loving the color and design of this one. But, again, everyone wears this shade of blue to prom. Dang flabbit.

I LOVE this one!! Too bad it's white.. with as pale as I am, white completely washes me out. Shoot.

Little black dress? Yes please.

LOVE the strap on this, it's pretty nifty-looking.

So I'm Googling prom dresses, cause I'm cool like that, and I think I've got a pretty good idea of what I should look for next year..
I like how this one's darker than most.. I also really like the design of it. Gah. So pretty!
I like how this one's darker than most.. I also really like the design of it. Gah. So pretty!
I really like the colors on this one.. not so much the style, but it's still nice.

I love, love, LOVE this one in every way, shape, and form. The color? Awesome. The style? Epic. The length? Amazing. Too bad everyone and their sister wears teal/blue to prom. Poop.

Anyways, I'm going to prom next year, whether I go solo or not is yet to be determined. But, whatever the case may be, now I know what to look for!
Gosh. I need a life.
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