Well, here it is! You can read it at this link: http://www.narniaweb.com/reviews/?id=206
I'm afraid that I rambled a bit about some things (particuarily Skandar as Edmund, haha) but hey, what can I say? I defend what I love. HENCE... review!
I started that "photo to describe your day" thing on Facebook today, except I'm aiming to do a photo every day for two years instead of one. Pretty ambitious, but we'll have to see!
My new fascination is making avatars for websites. You know, the little icons next to people's usernames that represent them? Yeah, those. Comment or slide me a message and let me know if you'd like me to post them on here for your visual and possibly using enjoyment! I don't do copyrights or anything, just as long as you point people my way if they ask where your avvie came from. Right now they're all pretty much Edmund themed (surprise, surprise), but I'm planning on doing more photographic ones soon. Er, not that Ed isn't photographic... just more things like sunsets and flowers and pretty stuff. Uhm, not that Ed isn't pretty... oi. I should probably just stop right here.
Speaking of photographic, I spent a good part of today trying to find a picture for the back of an album I'm working on. Do you have any clue how much of a shortage there is on Google Images for pics of glass hearts?! Well. Now I do. It seems as if I'm going to have to take one myself, which I didn't want to have to do. Lazy, lazy, lazy.
Though I didn't play piano today (sadness!!), I have managed to lose my lyric book, which devastates me just a little bit. I'm an eternal optimist, so I'm sure that it will turn up, since I know I haven't taken it out of the house, but I'm still missing it. It's my second one (my first is all filled up) so it has my most recent work in it. Fiddlesticks. I shall conduct a thorough search tomorrow, or otherwise send out an Amber Alert.
Shocker of all shockers, my mom has decided that she wants to get my younger sister, Hannah, a cat. Which is shocking only because she doesn't particuarily like cats. I spent another good part of today with Hannah on the computer researching different breeds so that we know what we're looking for. I learned about the breeds Ragdoll, Norwegian Forest, and American Curl. The breed name Ragdoll doesn't exactly appeal to me, but they're adoreable and super friendly. I personally think that the Norwegian Forest Cat sounds pretty kick-butt, but Hannah seems to see it as more cuddly than ninja. And I also think that the American Curl looks like a mouse, and told her that if she gets one of those she should name it Reepicheep, but that didn't seem to be a very popular vote. I suppose I'm too much of a Narniac for my own good! She did, however, decide that she wants a girl, and that it will be named Ariel, which I agreed with since it means "God's lioness". That's a pretty honorable name meaning for a cat! (One of the things we both agreed on when it came to names was that having a small house cat named Aslan would be a pretty huge offense to the True King of Narnia. That's just about the only thing we agreed on, come to think of it, haha.)
I also learned that cat is "gatto" in Italian. No idea why. I just did. I'm going to learn Italian next year, for my last year of school. It's surreal to think that in a few months time, I'll be doing senior pictures and getting my class ring. I can't wait to graduate. I have no plans for university, though my dream since I was little would be to go abroad to Cambridge. There was a girl at my old church in Pennsylvania that studied there, and I told my mom that I wanted to go there too, cause I thought it was awesome that she got to furter her education outside of the country. Nowadays, I highly doubt that that will happen, so I think I'll start somewhere local and let my dreams shrink to reality-size a bit. Plus, I have no idea what I'm going to study...
Seems as though I have a lot to mull over, eh?
Stay legit.
In which I, at long last, FINALLY posted my Dawn Treader review to NarniaWeb.
- Tuesday, 4 January 2011
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