In which Megan has her leg propped up on her desk like she’s some sort of cheerleader.

Recap of the past three weeks begins now!

First off, I have to explain the propping. Remember a while back when I said that I had some sort of infected bug bite on my knee? Well, I got another one last Sunday, and it’s just now starting to shrink down. So, naturally, I’ve been couch-ridden with a heating pad on my leg for the majority of the week, not getting much done but putting a considerable dent in my reading list.

Other than that, life’s been pretty swell! We went to Pennsylvania last week (we used to live there till we moved a few years back) to visit some family. I keep forgetting how much I miss it there. (:

Then we kept up a 4th of July tradition and went to spend the day at the beach on Monday, which was awesome, except that it stormed really hard the entire way back home, which meant that the fireworks for the night were cancelled. Big bummer, but at least there were some great waves to ride!

My older sister and I went to see the first two Transformers movies together, and we’re planning on going to see the third one soon, but my little sister wanted to go with us, so we re-watched the first two to refresh our memories. That was a ton of fun – those movies rock. So between that and Harry Potter (IN FIVE DAYS ASDFGHJKL), I can practically hear the cinema calling my name.

I’m missing voice lessons terribly, but I’ve come up with a solution: COVERS! I’ve been making a list of songs to cover on piano and guitar over the summer, and so far have seven “albums”, so to say, lined up. If you have any suggestions for songs, let me know! Then as soon as I have them ready, I’ll get recording (erm, on my camera, that is) and have it up here.

Also, I have this rekindling fascination with chess. My older sister has a really sweet virtual version of it on her laptop which is a lot of fun, but unfortunately I’m $498 short of being able to get one of my own so that I can see if I can beast the computer haha. Epic fail? Will have to be patient until birthday/Christmas at this point? Desperately need a job? I do think so.

Last night my mom, sisters, and I watched The Social Network, which was really fast-paced, but a fantastic movie. It was funny getting on Facebook after seeing all that it took to get it to the point it has arrived at now.

I’m sure that there’s a ton of other things that I have forgotten to mention, but they’ll have to wait until I’m not on super strong Motrin for le annoying infection to be recalled *blushblush*. So, until then, my friends, I bid you adieu. Hope that the sun keeps shining for ya!

DBF out!


Caroline said...

I hope your bug bite heals up soon.
May you find abundant satisfaction at the cinema! Did you go to the midnight premier of Harry Potter?
It seems like every time I visit your blog, I have a sudden urge to go play an instrument. I can't wait to hear more of your magical tunes.
I saw The Social Network last month. It didn't do much for me entertainment-wise, but, like you, I was amused to see the drama behind a site I so often use.
And I think that covers all bases. Ciao!

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