In which I dive to save the coffee mugs.

Did you guys feel the earthquake today?? Hope everything is okay where you are! ♥ (I promise as soon as I get more than ten seconds where my internet, computer, Blogger, and fingers are all working accordingly, I'll put up a proper post!)

DBF out!


Caroline said...

I did feel it! But it was just a tremor where we live. At least it felt that way. I was sitting at the kitchen counter and my seat started vibrating and I heard things rattling in the fridge and I saw a mirror shaking. Poor little Olivia was freaked out to tears, but we're all good. How's everything up in Virginia?

Kellie Ann Cassel said...

Considering I'm smack in the middle of Michigan, I did not feel the eartquake haha. Although I did here lots about it on the news. Hope everything's good where you guys are.

the other Pevensie girl said...

Oh, poor little dear! We all just got a little shaken up (pun quite intended), but otherwise no damage or anything. Good thing it wasn't too bad, I'm thankful that you guys are good. Haha, Kellie, I'm glad you missed it! It was pretty weird. I just found it hilarious that it happened and everyone's first thought was to jump on Facebook; it was blowing up with earthquake statuses all day!

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