Two months.
Two. Months.
I have officially failed at blogging. (;
Well, better late than never! However I regret to say that in the course of two months, I have enough things to blog about to create possibly the longest post there ever was. (Surely the longest one this particular blog has ever seen, so get ready my friends, for this shall be a novel!)
I should probably start with Hurricane Irene. No, it did not blow away any part of my house, but several trees fell, which was really scary, but not nearly as frightening as having to sleep without AC . . . I hope I never have to do so again. *shudder*
After the storm passed, we ack-chellay got the clear to head to the beach! Our vacation time had been cut down to four days instead of seven, but it was still awesome. In fact, I have taken the liberty of listing all of the things I want to blog about, as well as snapping a few photos, which I plan on having up here as soon as I can get them to send to my email.
First off, the house we rented for the week(ish) came fully stocked with a rather impressive video library, among which were…wait for it!…the BBC versions of The Silver Chair, and Prince Caspian/Voyage of the Dawn Treader! I was pretty excited about this because I feel like I haven’t explored every nook and cranny of my Narniac-ness without experiencing the films in every form. I’d be giving a detailed description of what I thought of them had we stayed the entire seven days, but most unfortunately for me, there wasn’t time between all the things we wanted to do while at the beach for me to sit back and enjoy the company of the alternate versions of some of my favourite people in the world. Arf. Good thing there’s always next year!
But I believe that the most monumental part of vacation was my older sister’s boyfriend coming down to visit…and propose to her! Yup; as of September 2nd, my sis is engaged! Words simply cannot express how happy I am for her. ♥ We even went out to look for dresses, and she found the one that she wants already. It’s all very exciting, but rather bittersweet at the same time. She’s been my best friend my entire life, and it will be awfully sad to see her go when the time comes, but till then, I think I will just enjoy her company as much as possible.
More recently (actually, this past weekend), my little sister and I had the opportunity to be a part of a film crew (yes, you read that right). Each year, the church we attend does a HUGE pageant production for Christmas, and this year, about half of it is going to be a feature film, which is being produced and shot right at church! I don’t know too many details as of yet, but it’s based around World War II, and it’s gonna be pretty epic. And I have to say, sitting in the woods until 12:30AM, going home, and then getting up and having to be back at 6 makes one really feel like they’re part of a film crew. We did a lot of setting up, running extension cords, and my main job was working the fog machine (which I had a love/hate relationship with the entire time). I now know how to make fake blood, set up and take down various pieces of video equipment, and how to catch a runaway blue screen when the wind picks up…which is an adventure all in itself! Hopefully we’ll be called back in this weekend as well. Surely this is something that I can include in my portfolio when I start looking for a professional filming job!
School finally started also. So far everything has been relatively easy and smooth, which I am most thankful for. My first read of the school year was Till We Have Faces by C.S. Lewis, which was FANTASTIC. I think I’m going to make it my goal to read (and re-read) every book he’s ever written. (Of course, you can see how this would most benefit my inner Narniac. (;)
Brainstorming has officially begun for National Novel Writing Month, which is in November! If I haven’t shared about this already, NaNoWriMo is when writers all across the globe take the month of November to attempt to write a 50,000 word novel before the 1st of December. I’ve participated twice in the past, and succeeded both times. Hopefully I’ll be able to keep up my winning streak this year!
I haven’t been able to get out driving as much as I would like, but the great job hunt has officially begun! I’ve got a list of places to apply, so hopefully I will be an employed avid blogger soon!
Cinematically, my sis went out and bought Thor the other day, so hopefully we’ll get a chance to watch that soon. Also, it’s become something of a treasure hunt to attempt to find Transformers 3 on Blu-ray around here…when we went to WalMart, they were completely sold out. That pretty much blew my mind. It would seem that what is apparently the action movie epic of the year will evade my waiting audience for a little while longer!
And now, we get to the part where Megan despairs. For this entire time, since we returned from the beach, I have been battling mercilessly with Windows Movie Maker, who does not seem to get the fact that poor Caroline’s birthday was about a trillion weeks ago, and I still. Have. Yet. To. Post. Her. Birthday. Video. On top of the fact that it was indeed our dear Skandar’s 20th birthday recently, and I still. Have. Yet. To. Even. Conceptualize. Anything. For. That. Birthday. Video. On TOP of the fact that Kellie’s birthday will undoubtedly be here again and it most likely still. Won’t. Let. Me. Make. An. Entire. Video. To. Celebrate. Her. Birthday. Either. As you have probably guessed, this is rather frustrating. But I shall never surrender!! They may not be around for a while (mehhhhhh…) but I will not rest until all video projects have reached completion! I will not EAT. I will not SLEEP. I will not BLINK. I will not…
…okay, maybe I’ll do all of those things, too.
But I do apologize ten thousand times over on my computer’s behalf. However, come Tash or high water, I will win this battle! HUZZAH.
Also, I have added another project idea onto the list of things I have been unable to accomplish yet *cringe lol*…a one-year-DBF-anniversary extravaganza! I figure that if I get started on that now, it should be done by the actual one-year mark (December 22nd!). My only setback? I have virtually no idea what that should be d:. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated!
Well, I believe that I will leave it at that. With any luck, tonight’s epic struggle will leave me with a vid to post tomorrow (if not tonight!). But, until then, I hope that you guys are having a fantastic week! So till later…
DBF out! ♥
^ I’ve missed saying that, lol. :D
Aaaaand in the course of attempting to make sure that I covered everything, I forgot to mention the cause of my two month disappearance. *facepalm*. I'd say that it was a combination of no power, American government, and a mystery illness that I believe I'm going to the doctor to check out tomorrow. d:
NOW I have covered everything. (x
Okay, I typed a really long comment a second ago, and then I clicked post comment and it disappeared into thin cyberspace air. Let's try this again......
*wipes brow in relief* THAT was a frightful absence. I'm joyous at its ending, and the fact that you didn't get carried off to Oz or something by the hurricane.
Your "holy post date" cartoon made me laugh out really loud. It's just funny.
I'm glad Irene didn't eliminate your trip to the beach. And congrats to your sister! How exciting!
Wow, this church flim crew business sounds like quite an adventure! You must keep us posted.
Ooo, National Novel Writing Month...sounds like quite a challenge! I may have to participate if I can finish up my Christmas play script. Any chance you could post part of one of your past stories? I'm really curious.
You will triumph over Windows Movie Maker. I ack-chellay made a couple videos of my own in your absence, and I would love it if you could watch them and maybe give me some poiters.
Good luck job hunting. I really need a job too; I always blow my money on books and starbucks and clothes. And I'm wanting to buy an ukulele. Or an electric guitar. *_*
DBF Anniversary Extravaganza?!! Heck Yes! Maybe we could vote on the year's best posts and find some way to mash them up together. I have a feeling Skedmund will fit into this picture somewhere. And perhaps we could come up with some creative way do our greatly anticipated facebook... sharing... thing (I wasn't really sure how to word that lol)
I pray this "mysterious illness" will go away soon. Being sick is NO HELP AT ALL with American government.
Thanks for posting! :)
Don't you just LOVE it when that happens? d:
I will definitely keep the ol' blog more updated from now on with all these crazy things going on! On the film crewing, we didn't film again this weekend, but I'll definitely mention when we do! Maybe I'll post some pics too if I can swing it.
NaNoWriMo is a TON of fun, you should definitely do it! I'd be honored to toss a bit of my previous years' work up here first chance I get, though I must warn you, it's not my best work. (x
Thanks, and good luck with saving! I know that can be a bit of a nuisance...especially when books and clothes and Starbucks are interfering lol.
AHHH. That's an awesome idea! I can't wait for Kellie to see this; I know she'll have a spiffy idea to add! Now I'll be brainstorming all day as to a creative way to commence our Facebook-sharing-thing. (Which, by the way, is a most adequate way of wording the event. XD)
The prayers are MUCH appreciated. Mystery Illness is no fun at all, but I'm sure it'll blow over soon. (:
OH MY GOODNESS! I typed a super huge comment just moments ago and it didn't save! GAH! Just like Caroline I'll re-post when I'm not fuming with rage. :P
You know, I should really see if this is something I have to fix lol. I apologize on my blog's behalf for eating your comment...I shall spend the rest of the evening devising crafty ways of punishing it for it's bad behavior.
Haha, hopefully this will work this time.
First off Congrats on your sister's engagement! That must be really exciting, I'm happy for your family. :)
Next I am soooo jealous of your film crew experience. You know that's my dream to be anywhere near the 'action'. Luckily this year in my new media class we get to actually film a commercial for a small buisness but that's nothing compared to a movie. Good luck with that and have fun!
Your beach getaway sounds magical. How awesome is that! BBC + Narina = AWESOME! I can hear the angels singing as I type. Makes me want to go watch LWW.
OUR ANNIVERSERY!!! I can't wait to exchange facebooks XD Is it really that close to Christmas though? I thought we met via Narnia web in like November??? Oh well, anywho, I'm going to post a picture of me with a giant poster reading 'DBF'S First Anniversery!' I know you guys will whip up something great. I think I'll make a special post/timeline like thing that has when we met, and stuff that we talked about skedmund, and new songs we discovered and what-not. What are your birthdays? So that I may write them down on my calender.
Huzzah! Ye olde stubborn blog commenting has stepped down.
Thanks a bunch! She's really excited, as are the rest of us!
It's funny you should mention that...the entire time I was sitting out in the woods with the fog machine, I kept thinking, "Kellie would LOVE this" lol. Congrats on your film class' project! Working with any type of production crew is a fantastic experience. It's definitely something I would do full-time!
Just wait till I am able to post the pictures! There were so many things around the house that reminded me of our DBF-ness (including a seafood restaurant that was called "Henry's". Sort of a conflict of interest, ack-chellay. (x) Twas rather magical!
Haha indeed, although I think that you and Caroline exchanged before I first commented. I have a video to refer to of just scrolling through the comments, so I'll refer back to that and let you guys know. Your poster idea is fantastic! I'm still trying to figure a witty way of revealing the face behind the madness lol. To answer your question, my birthday is the 21st of December. I'll be 18 this year. (Which, I have to admit, is somewhat strange to say haha.)
Kellie, you're poster picture idea is great; I'm still pondering what to do (picture? video? poem? song?lol)
Just so you guys know, everytime I go to Kohl's, I think of you two. And I catch myself in different places saying, "Oh, I bet Kellie would love this!" Or, "This makes me think of Megan!"
And my birthday is July 14. Next year is my big one-eight, lol. If I remember correctly, Kellie, yours is March 14, no?
Me too! I often go to Kohl's and think of things that you both might like. I can't wait till we meet one day and wear our matching shirts. HEY! That could be on our anniversery timeline, "the day we realized we have the same taste in shirts". I should get working on this. Anywho, I can't believe you are both going to be 18! and me 17! I feel so old!! And yes you are correct on my birth date :)
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