In which I am uninterested in vampires and become a backstage ninja.

Long time, no post! I’m afraid that my blogging has become rather lax in the midst of all the crazy stuff that’s been going on… hopefully that will change, as it’s getting closer and closer to that magical one-year DBF anniversary celebration! (Which, by the way, I am beyond excited about!!)

Where to begin, where to begin… well, first off, if you’re ever considering caving and going to see Breaking Dawn? Spare yourself a few dollars, cause it was terrible. I’m not sure if that’s just my own opinion or not, but there was very little that I really enjoyed about it. My mom, sisters, and I went to the midnight showing though, which is always loads of fun. But personally? I think I’ll just bide my movie-going time until Sherlock Holmes hits theaters!

As we’re getting well into December, excitement is mounting greatly for the big one-eight on the 21st, delayed only by the great excitement that comes with my church’s annual Christmas pageant! It’s been running since Tuesday --- with the last showing being Sunday afternoon --- , and it’s pretty spectacular. The pageant is a really big deal here, and a ton of people are putting their time and talent into making it happen. One of the things I really love the most about it this year is helping backstage, which I haven’t done before, and will surely be returning to do again next year! Basically, our job is to wait for blackouts and move the props around to set the stage for the next scene. It sounds pretty simple, but when you have about ten seconds to transform a 1940’s USO center into an apartment before one of the cast members walks in and begins her scene, things get pretty crazy! However, it’s fun all around, and the people I’m working with are so nice and funny, so it’s all good! I also take a certain amount of pride in being the youngest person working. It makes me feel like I’m representing for the youth in a way. (It’s also cool to have to dress all in black to blend in, as we’re really not supposed to be seen… I keep telling everyone that I’m a backstage ninja. ;D)

In creative news, I succeeded in writing approximately 56,215 words for National Novel Writing Month, which is a new personal best for me. I’m pretty proud of myself! There’s some massive, massive editing to be done, but I’ll definitely post some new tidbits once it’s all ready. I’ve been working on a few new Blunderkinds as well, so hopefully those will be ready to post super soon!

And can I just add that I can’t wait to graduate? Haha, I know it’ll be here before I know it, but I still can’t help but anticipate it.

On that note, my friends, I bid you a temporary adieu. Hope that you’re having an absolutely wonderful December so far! I am constantly thinking and praying for you. (:

DBF out!

p.s. – While digging through my closet this morning, I found myself donning a familiar green shirt with cameras on it… thus reminding myself that I needed to quit procrastinating and post something new. (;


Kellie Ann Cassel said...

You go girl! I am also anticipating the arrival of Sherlock 2 in theaters! I'm seeing it opening day! XD I also saw the new Twilight movie, for my friend's birthday, and it lacked..... lots.
Your backstage escapeds sound extremely fun, and I am awaiting the beginning of the drama club at school, which should be starting soon.
Our DBF anniversery is coming up yayyyyy! It makes me want to watch Prince Caspian and go on Narnia Web where it all began. We have come so far from those days and i need to get back to the magic. I will be thinking of you guys too, and whip out that shirt sometime soon.... and yes.... wear it.

Caroline said...

This is going to be a very special, very magical Christmas this year! Can't wait for the echange!!!
Haha, I've heard mixed reviews about Breaking Dawn; some friends practically have a Twilight Hater Club, and then some think it's just the best. I stay out of it. Haters gonna hate, Twi-hards gonna....drool over Edward and Jacob.
Oh my gosh, I am going to start using that term at the playhouse: "backstage ninja"...brilliant. Your church's Christmas pageant sounds grand. We just finished the play at our church...details to be posted soon on my blog ;)
Congrats! I can't wait to read some of your novel.
And yes! Graduation is sounding pretty sweet...when we shall rise gloriously from the seemingly unending sea of schoolwork lol.
*begins plotting blogger birthday bash*
And as always, CAN'T WAIT FOR THE BLUNDERKINDS! They make my life lighter.
Love you guys!

Caroline said...

ahem, that was "exchange"...not "echange"

the other Pevensie girl said...

I've gotten quite terrible at commenting! >.<

Oh Kellie, you poor, poor soul. I felt so terrible, sitting and basically picking the film apart, but there was just so much that I was just... argh...
YOU LUCKY DUCK. ;D My sisters and I are going to see it this week I think. I'll bet it was fantastic!
Ahhh, I am beyond excited for the anniversary. It's gonna be so epic!! I agree with you, I'm finding myself getting the itch to return to where it all began. I think that this week, I'll have some kind of countdown, like the 12 Days of DBF or something lol. That would be tons of fun to create!

the other Pevensie girl said...

ME NEITHER. I can't say it enough. AHHHH. :D (And to be honest, I didn't even notice the typo till your second comment! (x)
I don't exactly hate it persay, I just don't agree with it. I think it's a waste of time and energy to truly hate on something. Either you like it or you don't... that's my story and I'm sticking with it, haha.
AHA, I officially feel famous. (:< It was pretty awesome. Ahh, I saw your post, and again I have to say that it seemed like so much fun!
Lol your school analogy was superb. It does feel like it'll never end, doesn't it? It'll be great to be able to follow our graduations on facebook as well as here. Do you guys do senior pictures?
Well I hope you like the ones that I've posted! They didn't take very long to create, and I always forget how much I love doing them. (:

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