Definitely going to have to take some time to figure out how to navigate around . . . yes, I am ashamed to say that it’s been that long since I’ve been on here. *Intense blush*
In recent news, there is way too much recent news, so I will condense. First, I am officially a high school graduate, as of last Saturday. Where I live, the HEAV (Homeschool Educator’s Association of Virginia) holds a ceremony every year in which 200 graduates participate in a legit ceremony, with your name called and a stage and walking up said stage and everything. (Which is a lot more nerve wracking than it seems at first!) It was a really nice day, and tons of fun. Plus I’m enjoying being out of high school, finally! The only catch is that now, everyone and their second cousin asks me “So Megan. What are you planning on doing now?”. (Don’t get me wrong; I love when people ask. It’s interesting how many people are actually personally interested in what I plan to do with the rest of my life!) Maybe I’m irresponsible, but I honestly don’t know! My stock answer has now become, more or less, “Getting a job, saving for school, unless something comes up before that can happen.”. The job hunt is pretty relentless; I’m praying that something comes up soon! Next week is going to be “application week”, so hopefully my optimism will overpower my lack of confidence!
Secondly, my family has moved. Nothing super serious, just about 20 minutes from where we used to live. However, this has caused me to be very busy, hence one of the reasons I haven’t been blogging for
almost a year, what the Tash!!Lord knows how long. Packing/unpacking/settling is not one of my favourite things to do! But I now have a walk-in closet, which is cool enough on it’s own, and makes the horrid sound of cardboard scratching cardboard almost entirely worth it. (;Thirdly, my sister got married in July, and I got my first taste of what it’s like to be a Maid of Honor! It’s not too much hassle, just a lot of planning, plotting, setting up, cleaning up, and, yes, dancing. Oh yes, ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls: Lady Megan of the Two Left Feet actually broke it down on a dance floor for a couple hours. *Wild applause*. We’re waiting on the photographer for pictures that haven’t appeared on Facebook yet; I’ll be sure to toss a few on here when we get them! It was definitely one of the greatest days of my life, and I’m so happy for Renee!! It’s sort of weird, and hard to wrap my mind around the fact that she doesn’t live with us anymore, but it’s a part of growing up.
And now that all the huge life-altering things are out of the way, the smaller-but-just-as-exciting-in-my-mind things. Tomorrow my mom, little sister, and I are headed to the beach for a few days with one of my mom’s friends, which I’m most looking forward to because we’ll be staying in a camper and roasting things over a fire pit, and it all just sounds like an adventure. My little sister and I are playing a few Nancy Drew games we got recently, and the one we’re currently working on is set in Canada, so we’re joking about being at the beach during the day, and Canada by night. Mostly, I’m just looking forward to being away for a few days, relaxing, and taking a deep breath, because that doesn’t happen too often. Ahh. Just thinking about it makes me excited.
Finally, I’ll finish with the fact that you, my Dear Blogging Friends, are always on my mind and in my prayers. Though I may have been on world’s longest Megan-blogging-hiatus, I was constantly reminded of your still-wonderful presence in my life. Hope all is going well with you and yours! Until next time,
DBF out!
xo M
In which I’m so perplexed by the new Blogger look that I cannot think of a proper post title.
In which my night turns out better than expected… well… I think…
So you know how I was stressing over ye olde awkward situation that was taking place tonight? Well I ended up going, after a long time of being absolutely petrified of venturing into the outside world, and I ack-chellay ended up having a pretty fun time! I can only hope that at this point, things stay uncomplicated. I can only hope that my intentions were clear.
So now, I sit in my room, listening to Feist, and contemplating what I will wear to church tomorrow, as I’m running camera again. Comfort is key! Unfortunately, it’s still too warm outside to even begin to think of things that will go good with my spiffy new coat. Ah well, it’s gotta cool down eventually! (:
This is an abnormally short post for me, but I’ll wrap up by saying that if you haven’t gone to see October Baby yet, you really ought to. It was a very beautifully done film! As of right now, the decision to attend tonight was a good one. Here’s to it being a good one tomorrow, the next day, and the next as well!DBF out!
In which once again I find myself sitting at my desk at an early hour of the morning, and the birds are STILL singing their little birdy hearts out.
Well, Sister Bonding Day was today! We went to see The Hunger Games, which was pretty fantastic! I don’t want to spoil anything just in case, but it really came through at moments, though there were a few puns from the book that were omitted from the final piece that I missed. Overall, it was really well done. The effects were better than in most movies I’ve seen recently *coughcoughBREAKINGDAWNcoughcough*, the cinematography was really beautifully grafted together, and I thought they really handled the overall violent concept rather well, getting the heart and soul of the book across. Also for a while, I didn’t have complete faith that anyone could really bring the characters that grew on me so rapidly to life, but the entire cast really went well above my expectations. (A special nod goes to Jennifer Lawrence for bringing the Katniss I always saw and had a considerable amount of relate-ability, thus, affection towards in the book straight from its pages to the screen.) Cheers for good filmwork! (:
(I also find it completely important to include that the spell checker on Windows Live Writer wants to correct “Katniss” to “Catnips”. Oh Sir Spell Checker. You’re so clever. xD)
After the movie, we went to lunch at Cracker Barrel (which is now a S.B.D. tradition), then shopping. Per standard policy, I have to find a white dress to wear underneath my gown at graduation. SO. The hunt both began and ended today… in the same store, no less! The dress is really quite pretty; I wish I had thought to snap a picture of it earlier. It’s more ivory than stark white, and it’s one of those dresses that you don and automatically want to begin twirling around in. I also managed to get this really lovely coat at Macy’s that was originally $50 for, and I kid you not, I bought it on sale for $5.24. It’s a dark mauve-ish color with a black sort-of plaid pattern on it. I have this not-so secret affinity for jackets of all sorts, so this was a real steal for me.
Post-talking to my mom about aforementioned awkwardness in my earlier post, I’ve decided to give this “hanging out” business a shot. The situation has gotten slightly less complicated (going to see a movie --- “October Baby” --- with a group of kids from the youth group at church), while at the same time getting rather more complicated (dude-friend is taking me to dinner beforehand). I do hope I’ve made it clear enough what I consider this to be without sounding too terrible. Hopefully this “hanging out” business doesn’t turn into anything more because, quite frankly, the thought scares the Henry out of me! (Erm, not that I had much of Henry in me to begin with, persay…) But I’ve placed it in God’s capable Hands, so
I’m completely alright nowI won’t be quite as timid as I usually am. (I know, can you imagine a quiet, shy Megan??) Now. To more pressing matters than such imaginations: What on earth do you wear for such an occasion?…
Musically speaking, if life events I never saw coming keep cropping up and sending me on an emotional roller coaster as they have been, I’ll be arriving at 350 songs and beyond before I can even think about baking that cake or purchasing that muffin I mentioned before! Which is pretty thrilling, I’ll admit, though whether the emotional toll it’s taking is worth the lyrical products of my day-to-day frustrations is still up for debate. Tack that debate onto the fact that I discovered the other day that my one-woman-band name (I’ve been formally known as “lessthanthree”) is indeed taken, taken, taken… well… let’s just say that the odds are not exactly in my favour! (; But, luckily for my musical career, perseverance has never been an option in The Life and Times of Megan Huffman; it’s always a requirement. Thus, from here on out (thanks to Wikipedia’s “random article” option), they’ll call me “Private Wire” on my side of the musical spectrum. No, I’m not kidding. I literally went on Wikipedia, clicked on “random article”, “Private Wire” was the first thing that came up, and I went all crazy cause I realized how simply perfect it was. I enjoy the abstract, obscure sound of it; it definitely sounds like the name of a band or singer that I would give a listen to. And what good is a mock band name if it doesn’t sound like something that I would enjoy myself? Ahh, I tell you. There is no critic I will ever fear more than myself. (: Plus, it makes for an interesting conversation…
BOB: Oh, hey, you’re that chick who writes those songs. How’d you get a name like “Private Wire”?
MEGGO: Oh, you know, like all the greats in music… the “random article” link on Wikipedia.
Editorially speaking, however, I seem to be at a comedic loss for what to do for the joint-birthday-bonanza-supreme-event-of-the-century-possible-video-of-awesome-ninja-proportions. (Oh yeah, that’s totally catching on!) As you can imagine, I’m not used to being in a creative slump (what with those 300 songs, small army of Blunderkinds, other special occasion videos, and other whatnots), so either my brain proceeds to work with me, or I very well may have to go to war with it! Speaking of war, once this creative rut is conquered, if Movie Maker refuses to cooperate with me… I tell you, it’ll be curtains for that software of doom! CURTAINS I say!
Well, looks like today will be a bigger day than I originally anticipated, so here is where I must depart, sadly. Hopefully your weeks are full of all sorts of pleasantries. (: Until next time, my dears! And, of course… “May the odds be ever in your favour!”
DBF out!
p.s. --- Thinking about changing the layout up a bit, although I’m dreading the comment-banning consequences of this… so just shoot me a message on Facebook if I do change it and commenting gets disabled again, and I’ll be sure to fix it up! (:
Prepare for a double birthday collaboration!! (Since I'm sort of still holding it over my own head that I never did quite finish Caroline's birthday surprise...)
And, somewhat informal, but HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY, KELLIE! Hope it was what dreams are made of! ♥
*Meggo goes away snickering and talking to herself in a creepy, Gollum-ish fashion whilst plotting and planning and conceptualizing... >:D*
In which it is 1:49AM and yet birds are still singing their little hearts out outside my window.
I’ve come to the conclusion that it’s rather relaxing to listen to the happy little birds tweet away. It almost makes this horribly hot weather that’s been trending around here tolerable!
Well, have I got a lot to blog about!!
First off, might I say how absolutely greatly I’ve been missing my DBFs? You guys are constantly in my thoughts and prayers. I’ve got a LOT of recapping to do once I’m done here!
Well Kellie, you’ll be proud; I’ve finally leapt onto the Hunger Games bandwagon. I’ve gotten through the first book (FANTASTIC!!) and half of the second. My sisters and I are going to see the movie tomorrow morning. Or, should I say, in a few hours. Who needs sleep anyways? Cinematically speaking, I’m sad to say that I haven’t visited the glorious theatre since Sherlock Holmes several months ago. Hopefully today’s visit will be just as wonderful an experience as the last!
Really, in all aspects, life’s been pretty good. Everything has been rather chill: I completed my final annual test as a high schooler and am awaiting the results of said test with as much patience as someone with my low level of patience possibly can. (; I’m officially into my last quarter of 12th grade, and then I am finished. Which is such a surreal thought! Graduation is on June 9th. It’s silly, but it keeps reminding me of how much I have to get a job soon, haha. I don’t know what I’ll do with myself once school is finished! Things have been going well in basically all areas: I’m working on something for the youth group at my church which I’m hoping will go over well, my family’s all doing good, and I totally called who A was on the PLL season finale. Muahahahaha!
And now, the most exciting bit… I’ve officially joined the main media ministry at my church! I’m still working in youth, but my training began a few weeks ago for running various stations during the services and other special events, like lights, word projection, and so on. I’m actually running the camera this Sunday. I did it two weeks ago, and oh my word, I could stand there forever. Never thought that a camera could be such a thrilling experience! I’m so anxious to see where God takes me in that area.
And now… the awkward part.
I’m about 78% sure that a guy I consider a good friend just asked me out, and I know that if I ask him if that’s what he means, and he says yes, I’m going to end up hurting him, which I absolutely hate. I really just can’t think about a relationship right now, and also… I’ve never really seen him in that light. And it’s really awkward. But I hate hurting people… oof. This weekend is surely going to be a big bucket of interesting.
Older Sister’s wedding is getting really close too, and we’ve actually found bridesmaid’s dresses! Myself and Little Sister tried them on and fell in love with them. I have to admit, I was really crossing my fingers for some sort of elven/Narnian feel (What can I say? Old habits die hard!), but these are really quite elegant in their own right. I’m just really glad I’m not related to someone who would’ve put me in something completely blinged out. That would’ve been a little odd! I’ll have to get a hold of a picture of the dress to post on here.
Oh, and when you get a second, look up the music of both Barnaby Bright and The Civil Wars. Really great folk-y/country sounds on most of their songs, I love them. And speaking of music… WA-LA! I’ve hit my 300 song-iversary! I may just bake a cake tomorrow to commemorate. Or stop by Wawa and get one of their red velvet muffins of magic, hope, and wonder. Mmmmmmmmm. I’m doing a lot more driving now, too, which is so thrilling. The first time I drove home from church, it was ack-chellay night, so I felt rather proud of myself.
And so, here is where I must sign off. Contrary to what my brain would have me believe, I do really need to sleep at some point. (x Here’s to a fantastic week ahead! ♥
DBF out!
p.s. --- It is now 2:12, and the birds are still singing! (:
In which my life is utterly consumed by a monster called “busy”.
Well well, long time no blog, eh? Once again, I should probably explain where I have disappeared to for the past month lol.
Thankfully, sickness was not the reason for my absence this time around. However, I’m surprised that I’m not sustaining injuries from being buried underneath a Megan x3-sized pile of schoolwork, preparing for my sister’s wedding, work applications, and volunteer work at church. Luckily I have some time to myself to once again post to my blog. (Which, by the by, I’m thinking of changing it up a bit . . . any input?)
Working at church has many a merit, but it’s also pretty intensive sometimes. I mean, the worst that can happen is getting a pretty nasty papercut, or accidentally hitting the blackout button on the lightboard and instantly shutting down every light in the youth room while at the same time effectively dropping your dignity with no chance of recovering it, but as I’m hoping to work with the main media team after I graduate, I’ve really got to make sure that I pay attention and take in as much as I possibly can. However, eventually I’ll have to begin saving for a automobile, and that requires an income of some form. Enter: job search, stage left!
Mid-last week, I applied and had a short interview at one place, then had a second interview yesterday at the same location, which ended with the verdict that I’d know today whether I got the job or not.
So I waited.
And waited.
And waited.
And now here I sit, 8PM, blogging, listening to Native American flute lullabies (I find some pretty awesome-yet-strange stuff on Amazon’s free MP3 list…), still jobless, with no call or anything, and absolutely no way of knowing whether I got the job or not. So, since orientation is tomorrow morning, needless to say, I’ve spent the past 30-odd minutes putting together a list of places to apply, along with a list of my availability, strengths, experience, and other things I’ll need to know off the top of my head during my next interview. Which I will admit, I’m bummed about, but I know that everything happens for a reason. God’s got a plan, and I know that He will supply me with the right job at the right time. Now, if only a Barnes and Noble would open up closer to my house....
With that also comes the impending question, “how on earth am I going to work full-time AND keep up with school?”. My answer? Uhh... veeerry carefully. June could not come fast enough!!
I’m not 100% sure if I mentioned this before or not, but my sisters and I went out and saw Sherlock Holmes 2 a little while back, and… HOLY HARFANG it was AMAZING! I loved it even more than the first one, and that is saying something! I couldn’t help but think of you guys while we were watching it (particularly you, Kellie!), which I do quite often. Other than that, my cinematic life has been rather depressingly uneventful. I think that the next Percy Jackson film comes out later this year, which I am determined to take my little sister (and myself, of course) to see. Until then, who knows? I may have to stick with DVDs and television for now, though the only show I really follow is Pretty Little Liars. (Which also has it’s merits… I happen to think that Lucas is rather adorable, slightly creepy at times or not!)
Also yesterday, my mom, my sisters, my sister’s fiance’s mom and sister, and I went to try on bridesmaid’s dresses, which was a TON of fun! Some of the dresses were nicer than others, but it’s always fun to dress up in and stand in front of the huge mirrors and see what they look like. It made me feel somewhat like a princess at times. As each thing gets done for the wedding, I feel more and more excited for it. It’s going to be beautiful, I just know it!
And with that, my dear blogging friends, I must part for now and attempt to think of more strengths going for me than just “technological experience” and “organization/filing skills”, which I’m not sure will get me a job much of anywhere outside of a Radio Shack/secretary’s office crossover store. With any luck, I’ll be able to post soon about something more exciting, haha. Hope you guys are having a FANTASTIC week so far. Until next time!
DBF out!