In which once again I find myself sitting at my desk at an early hour of the morning, and the birds are STILL singing their little birdy hearts out.

Well, Sister Bonding Day was today! We went to see The Hunger Games, which was pretty fantastic! I don’t want to spoil anything just in case, but it really came through at moments, though there were a few puns from the book that were omitted from the final piece that I missed. Overall, it was really well done. The effects were better than in most movies I’ve seen recently *coughcoughBREAKINGDAWNcoughcough*, the cinematography was really beautifully grafted together, and I thought they really handled the overall violent concept rather well, getting the heart and soul of the book across. Also for a while, I didn’t have complete faith that anyone could really bring the characters that grew on me so rapidly to life, but the entire cast really went well above my expectations. (A special nod goes to Jennifer Lawrence for bringing the Katniss I always saw and had a considerable amount of relate-ability, thus, affection towards in the book straight from its pages to the screen.) Cheers for good filmwork! (:

(I also find it completely important to include that the spell checker on Windows Live Writer wants to correct “Katniss” to “Catnips”. Oh Sir Spell Checker. You’re so clever. xD)

After the movie, we went to lunch at Cracker Barrel (which is now a S.B.D. tradition), then shopping. Per standard policy, I have to find a white dress to wear underneath my gown at graduation. SO. The hunt both began and ended today… in the same store, no less! The dress is really quite pretty; I wish I had thought to snap a picture of it earlier. It’s more ivory than stark white, and it’s one of those dresses that you don and automatically want to begin twirling around in. I also managed to get this really lovely coat at Macy’s that was originally $50 for, and I kid you not, I bought it on sale for $5.24. It’s a dark mauve-ish color with a black sort-of plaid pattern on it. I have this not-so secret affinity for jackets of all sorts, so this was a real steal for me.

Post-talking to my mom about aforementioned awkwardness in my earlier post, I’ve decided to give this “hanging out” business a shot. The situation has gotten slightly less complicated (going to see a movie --- “October Baby” --- with a group of kids from the youth group at church), while at the same time getting rather more complicated (dude-friend is taking me to dinner beforehand). I do hope I’ve made it clear enough what I consider this to be without sounding too terrible. Hopefully this “hanging out” business doesn’t turn into anything more because, quite frankly, the thought scares the Henry out of me! (Erm, not that I had much of Henry in me to begin with, persay…) But I’ve placed it in God’s capable Hands, so I’m completely alright now I won’t be quite as timid as I usually am. (I know, can you imagine a quiet, shy Megan??) Now. To more pressing matters than such imaginations: What on earth do you wear for such an occasion?…

Musically speaking, if life events I never saw coming keep cropping up and sending me on an emotional roller coaster as they have been, I’ll be arriving at 350 songs and beyond before I can even think about baking that cake or purchasing that muffin I mentioned before! Which is pretty thrilling, I’ll admit, though whether the emotional toll it’s taking is worth the lyrical products of my day-to-day frustrations is still up for debate. Tack that debate onto the fact that I discovered the other day that my one-woman-band name (I’ve been formally known as “lessthanthree”) is indeed taken, taken, taken… well… let’s just say that the odds are not exactly in my favour! (; But, luckily for my musical career, perseverance has never been an option in The Life and Times of Megan Huffman; it’s always a requirement. Thus, from here on out (thanks to Wikipedia’s “random article” option), they’ll call me “Private Wire” on my side of the musical spectrum. No, I’m not kidding. I literally went on Wikipedia, clicked on “random article”, “Private Wire” was the first thing that came up, and I went all crazy cause I realized how simply perfect it was. I enjoy the abstract, obscure sound of it; it definitely sounds like the name of a band or singer that I would give a listen to. And what good is a mock band name if it doesn’t sound like something that I would enjoy myself? Ahh, I tell you. There is no critic I will ever fear more than myself. (: Plus, it makes for an interesting conversation…

BOB: Oh, hey, you’re that chick who writes those songs. How’d you get a name like “Private Wire”?
MEGGO: Oh, you know, like all the greats in music… the “random article” link on Wikipedia.

Editorially speaking, however, I seem to be at a comedic loss for what to do for the joint-birthday-bonanza-supreme-event-of-the-century-possible-video-of-awesome-ninja-proportions. (Oh yeah, that’s totally catching on!) As you can imagine, I’m not used to being in a creative slump (what with those 300 songs, small army of Blunderkinds, other special occasion videos, and other whatnots), so either my brain proceeds to work with me, or I very well may have to go to war with it! Speaking of war, once this creative rut is conquered, if Movie Maker refuses to cooperate with me… I tell you, it’ll be curtains for that software of doom! CURTAINS I say!

Well, looks like today will be a bigger day than I originally anticipated, so here is where I must depart, sadly. Hopefully your weeks are full of all sorts of pleasantries. (: Until next time, my dears! And, of course… “May the odds be ever in your favour!”

DBF out!

p.s. --- Thinking about changing the layout up a bit, although I’m dreading the comment-banning consequences of this… so just shoot me a message on Facebook if I do change it and commenting gets disabled again, and I’ll be sure to fix it up! (:


Caroline said...

Okay, I'm gonna try to get all my commenting done in one shot. Here goes the novel:

Love the new layout! Very springy, fresh. Fun. Just like Meggo. ;)
You have again blown my mind with your massive song-writing. And I love Private Wire. "Wire" makes me think telephone, like a phone line, so it's like music is communication of secrets, if that makes sense. Or it's a piece of wire dressed up like a soldier, lol. Or just random. Or all three. Cool anyway you look at it.
Speaking of music, I have become familiar with The Civil Wars, thanks to The Hunger Games, and I agree, they are pretty awesome. Haven't heard of the other band though, so I'll have to check them out. Have you ever heard of Eisley? They're pretty fantastic; I think you'd like them. Kind of indie-rock, childhood memories theme. Ish.
I can't believe how close graduation is! I graduate in May, and then I may be starting a summer job, but I'm not sure yet. I wish you luck with finding a job. Congrats on your driving and church media work!
So glad you liked The Hunger Games! My sisters and I loved it.
"small army of Blunderkinds"? I like the sound of that. Methinks some good ol' DBF humor may be on the horizon. ;)
I'll pray for you with your awkward friend date situation. Sounds sticky, but you'll get through it, you'll be fine, I'm sure.

the other Pevensie girl said...

LADIES AND GENTLEMEN, the not-really-long-anticipated sequel to Ms. Lady Caroline of Rohan's novel!: COMMENT, by the other Pevensie girl!

Why thank you! (: I really liked how light it was; the previous dark layout was starting to bring me down.

*Takes a bow*. Tis simply what I do! I had to laugh at your depiction of a "Private Wire". Love the interpretations! I'll definitely remember that if my career ever takes off, lol. Maybe I'll be able to come up with a creative way to incorporate that into an album cover? Oh, the possibilities!!

I have not heard of Eisley, will definitely check them out. I'm a huuuuge indie-rock person, as you must know by now! (; Come to think of it, I'll go and give them a listen right now!

Me neither! It's mind blowing. And ditto to the job hunt. Do you know whereish you'd like to work? People ask me that all the time, and I never know what to say, to be honest, haha. I always just say "someplace nice", or "someplace with books". And thanks for the congrats! They are much appreciated. (:

Oh yes... The Hunger Games. >:3 Haha did you go to see it yesterday, too? Glad you guys enjoyed it too!

Me thinks you thoughtist correctly! Still in a creative slump, but I'm sure some crazy opportunity for comedic greatness will present itself soon enough. Gotta keep that thinking cap on is all!

You have no idea how much I appreciate that! It did go better than I expected it to. I just really hope that he didn't read too much into anything; we're a lot alike in that respect. More than anything, I just don't want to hurt him if that is really the way that he sees me.

So glad to be back on here again! I've missed reading comments like these. <3 And, of course, replying in novel-length fashion. (;

the other Pevensie girl said...

Oh, and also! This layout is actually called "Artsy"; it made me think of you and Kellie's ninja art skills straight away. I still have to sort out some HTML stuff (add links to all the buttons on here and whatnot), but other than that, I'm glad this is the one I went with! (:

Caroline said...

Okay, so I have to thank you for introducing me to Barnaby Bright; flippin love.
To answer your questions, yes we did see the movie on the 23rd (we couldn't wait any longer; we already had to miss the midnight premiere, much to our lament). We even dressed up (see Beneath the Mallorn Tree for details ;))
I haven't technically gone job hunting; a wonderful woman I know recommended me for it. It's in a gated community, and basically involves watching rich people's kids and keeping them entertained, as well as maintaining the recreational stuff (pool, tennis court, etc.) I would prefer to do something more literary/artsy/musical, but it's kinda hard to come by. Working in a bookstore would be divine (I could live in Barnes and Noble). I could also see you working in a recording studio, ack-chellay. Let me know when you achieve your quest!
And I'm so happy you had a good night last night; hopefully things will just ease back to normal without any hurting. And if not...well, I guess it's a good thing you're a writer. Perhaps another 100 songs, eh?
Oh, your comment about artsy ninjas just reminded me of a certain collection of materials in me room. *begins planning next collage extraordinaire*
Congratulations to us - I think we have unofficially written the blogger comment trilogy. Now if Kellie comments, we'll have a full-blown series. Ah, the wondrous DBF Chronicles.

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