In which my life is utterly consumed by a monster called “busy”.

Well well, long time no blog, eh? Once again, I should probably explain where I have disappeared to for the past month lol.

Thankfully, sickness was not the reason for my absence this time around. However, I’m surprised that I’m not sustaining injuries from being buried underneath a Megan x3-sized pile of schoolwork, preparing for my sister’s wedding, work applications, and volunteer work at church. Luckily I have some time to myself to once again post to my blog. (Which, by the by, I’m thinking of changing it up a bit . . . any input?)

Working at church has many a merit, but it’s also pretty intensive sometimes. I mean, the worst that can happen is getting a pretty nasty papercut, or accidentally hitting the blackout button on the lightboard and instantly shutting down every light in the youth room while at the same time effectively dropping your dignity with no chance of recovering it, but as I’m hoping to work with the main media team after I graduate, I’ve really got to make sure that I pay attention and take in as much as I possibly can. However, eventually I’ll have to begin saving for a automobile, and that requires an income of some form. Enter: job search, stage left!

Mid-last week, I applied and had a short interview at one place, then had a second interview yesterday at the same location, which ended with the verdict that I’d know today whether I got the job or not.

So I waited.
And waited.
And waited.

And now here I sit, 8PM, blogging, listening to Native American flute lullabies (I find some pretty awesome-yet-strange stuff on Amazon’s free MP3 list…), still jobless, with no call or anything, and absolutely no way of knowing whether I got the job or not. So, since orientation is tomorrow morning, needless to say, I’ve spent the past 30-odd minutes putting together a list of places to apply, along with a list of my availability, strengths, experience, and other things I’ll need to know off the top of my head during my next interview. Which I will admit, I’m bummed about, but I know that everything happens for a reason. God’s got a plan, and I know that He will supply me with the right job at the right time. Now, if only a Barnes and Noble would open up closer to my house....

With that also comes the impending question, “how on earth am I going to work full-time AND keep up with school?”. My answer? Uhh... veeerry carefully. June could not come fast enough!!

I’m not 100% sure if I mentioned this before or not, but my sisters and I went out and saw Sherlock Holmes 2 a little while back, and… HOLY HARFANG it was AMAZING! I loved it even more than the first one, and that is saying something! I couldn’t help but think of you guys while we were watching it (particularly you, Kellie!), which I do quite often. Other than that, my cinematic life has been rather depressingly uneventful. I think that the next Percy Jackson film comes out later this year, which I am determined to take my little sister (and myself, of course) to see. Until then, who knows? I may have to stick with DVDs and television for now, though the only show I really follow is Pretty Little Liars. (Which also has it’s merits… I happen to think that Lucas is rather adorable, slightly creepy at times or not!)

Also yesterday, my mom, my sisters, my sister’s fiance’s mom and sister, and I went to try on bridesmaid’s dresses, which was a TON of fun! Some of the dresses were nicer than others, but it’s always fun to dress up in and stand in front of the huge mirrors and see what they look like. It made me feel somewhat like a princess at times. As each thing gets done for the wedding, I feel more and more excited for it. It’s going to be beautiful, I just know it!

And with that, my dear blogging friends, I must part for now and attempt to think of more strengths going for me than just “technological experience” and “organization/filing skills”, which I’m not sure will get me a job much of anywhere outside of a Radio Shack/secretary’s office crossover store. With any luck, I’ll be able to post soon about something more exciting, haha. Hope you guys are having a FANTASTIC week so far. Until next time!

DBF out!