In which I celebrate one year of beautiful DBFness… and the face behind the madness is revealed.

First and foremost, however, I’d like to apologize for this post’s tardiness… I was rendered so busy, I was unable to make it even close to the ol’ PC till this time today! And, I was also mortified to realize that my original post for our one-year DBFiversary never posted to my blog… so this is pretty long overdue, but here it is.

I cannot tell you how much our friendship means to me. I’ve always had a hard time holding a friendship together, and up until recently I’ve felt as if I didn’t really have anyone to call a friend. However, the fact that I knew that I could always post on here, and you guys would never fail to respond, always made me feel like I fit in, as if I never had a single problem with it before. My friends, you are beautiful (inside AND out! (:) and it has been nothing short of a pleasure getting to know you over the past year. All of the jokes, the Narnia-isms, the art, the music… it all means so much to me. I hope we never fall out of touch, and that someday soon, we can meet face to face and go on all sorts of wonderful adventures. Here’s to another year, and many more, of DBFness. Cheers!

And, in case you were wondering, here’s my current profile picture on Facebook…

…taken during filming for the Christmas pageant a few months ago. My sis and I were sent to grab the squirt bottle labeled “Jesus”, we found a spare helmet, and… well, the rest is pretty much history. Tis a bit blurry, though, and I struggle sometimes to find a picture of myself with a serious face haha, so here’s this one for the heck of it:

And, furthermore, my last name is Huffman, but I’m on Facebook as “Megan Brittany”. And since there are apparently quite a few Megan Brittany’s in the world, all you have to search for is “Chelsea Fernando”… which is quite the story, ack-chellay. (x I shooooould appear in the results for that. (Apparently, there are less Chelsea Fernando’s than Megan Brittany’s… can’t imagine why that is at all…)

The thing that I had planned for our big celebration is running a wee bit late as well, so that will be delayed until (hopefully!) New Year’s Eve at the latest. I’ll be posting it right on here when it’s done, so keep an eye out for it!

I’ll toss a separate post detailing Christmas a bit more in a minute, but before that, I have GOT to get this posted lol. I earnestly look forward to talking with you guys soon!

Merry (late!) Christmas, here’s to many more!

DBF out!

p.s. – I just remembered this picture before I posted, and I had to put it on here! (;

In which I count down the hours till adulthood and take slow, deep breaths.

Well, it’s official: after 5:19 PM, I’ll be considered an adult! Pretty crazy. Time flies so fast!!

Unfortunately this will probably be a pretty short post cause I want to make sure that I spend the maximum amount of time with my family today. We’re planning on going to Red Robin for a late lunch (where I will be ordering a rather large fried chicken salad, mmmmMMMM <3), and then possibly Sweet Frog for dessert.

Fortunately, in the meantime, I have about ten zillion posts to my Facebook to catch up on, good music to listen to, and…. *drumroll*… several new Blunderkinds to post, as promised! I would have posted them earlier, but I got rather sick (would you believe that MRSA had struck again?). I’m a LOT better now, although the site of the infection was much more gruesome this time around… I literally had a hole about an inch deep the size of a dollar coin in the back of my shoulder. Not. Fun. However, it’s only about the size of a dime now, and I can hardly even tell it’s there, so it’s all good!

So anyways, without further ado, ye olde Blunderkinds!

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Also, there is this pic, which I cannot take credit for, but as soon as I saw it, I thought of you guys and simply had to post it. (:

Hope you enjoy! (; And Merry Early Christmas! Here’s to a fantastic week, leading up to an incredibly exciting Sunday!

Until next time,

DBF out!

p.s. – I’ll be attempting to put something special together for tomorrow, which happens to be our official one-year DBFiversary! Be sure to watch out for that. (: (If I can’t get it ready for tomorrow though, it’ll definitely be up by the end of the week.)

In which I am uninterested in vampires and become a backstage ninja.

Long time, no post! I’m afraid that my blogging has become rather lax in the midst of all the crazy stuff that’s been going on… hopefully that will change, as it’s getting closer and closer to that magical one-year DBF anniversary celebration! (Which, by the way, I am beyond excited about!!)

Where to begin, where to begin… well, first off, if you’re ever considering caving and going to see Breaking Dawn? Spare yourself a few dollars, cause it was terrible. I’m not sure if that’s just my own opinion or not, but there was very little that I really enjoyed about it. My mom, sisters, and I went to the midnight showing though, which is always loads of fun. But personally? I think I’ll just bide my movie-going time until Sherlock Holmes hits theaters!

As we’re getting well into December, excitement is mounting greatly for the big one-eight on the 21st, delayed only by the great excitement that comes with my church’s annual Christmas pageant! It’s been running since Tuesday --- with the last showing being Sunday afternoon --- , and it’s pretty spectacular. The pageant is a really big deal here, and a ton of people are putting their time and talent into making it happen. One of the things I really love the most about it this year is helping backstage, which I haven’t done before, and will surely be returning to do again next year! Basically, our job is to wait for blackouts and move the props around to set the stage for the next scene. It sounds pretty simple, but when you have about ten seconds to transform a 1940’s USO center into an apartment before one of the cast members walks in and begins her scene, things get pretty crazy! However, it’s fun all around, and the people I’m working with are so nice and funny, so it’s all good! I also take a certain amount of pride in being the youngest person working. It makes me feel like I’m representing for the youth in a way. (It’s also cool to have to dress all in black to blend in, as we’re really not supposed to be seen… I keep telling everyone that I’m a backstage ninja. ;D)

In creative news, I succeeded in writing approximately 56,215 words for National Novel Writing Month, which is a new personal best for me. I’m pretty proud of myself! There’s some massive, massive editing to be done, but I’ll definitely post some new tidbits once it’s all ready. I’ve been working on a few new Blunderkinds as well, so hopefully those will be ready to post super soon!

And can I just add that I can’t wait to graduate? Haha, I know it’ll be here before I know it, but I still can’t help but anticipate it.

On that note, my friends, I bid you a temporary adieu. Hope that you’re having an absolutely wonderful December so far! I am constantly thinking and praying for you. (:

DBF out!

p.s. – While digging through my closet this morning, I found myself donning a familiar green shirt with cameras on it… thus reminding myself that I needed to quit procrastinating and post something new. (;

Also, here is the link to my NaNoWriMo page if you're interested in following!

(I feel so productive tonight, haha)

In which I post new Blunderkinds for the first time in forever!

These be the first of many! (: As soon as I can find more caption-worthy pics, I'll edit them and toss them on here.
Posted by Picasa

In which I realize that I have officially been put out of business.

It’s official: the last of my local friends is in a relationship, putting this mock-matchmaker temporarily out of business. It’s a wee bit bittersweet I’ll admit, but I love seeing everybody so happy, so no complaints here!

Well, my mom has decided to have a Twilight movie marathon in the living room, so here I am, hiding in my room, dreaming up some new Blunderkinds. I figure that, even though Movie Maker is (STILL!) being silly, I can always edit pictures to my heart’s content! Which is good, because I just discovered that I have an entire folder of blank pictures to put captions on! It’s like Christmas on my computer! Craziness shall ensue shortly! (:<

The other day, my little sister and I painted pumpkins to decorate the house with. This year, we actually had a theme: Mario-inspired mushrooms! They turned out really cute-looking, I’ll definitely have to snap some pictures to post. Maybe next year we’ll do Animal Crossing characters, to keep up our game-inspired themes.

Last night, my mom, younger sis, and I all waited on tables at our church’s Global Impact Conference dinner, which was an absolute BLAST. Two of my friends were there serving, and I ack-chellay became acquainted with another one of the servers who was very nice and hilarious, which made it all the more entertaining. Everything went really well, and the food was fantastic. All in all, a great night!

Welp, here’s where I sign off! Hope everybody’s having a fantastic week! :D

DBF out!

In which I stare unblinkingly at the date of my last post and pick my jaw up off of the floor.

Two months.
Two. Months.

holy post date

I have officially failed at blogging. (;

Well, better late than never! However I regret to say that in the course of two months, I have enough things to blog about to create possibly the longest post there ever was. (Surely the longest one this particular blog has ever seen, so get ready my friends, for this shall be a novel!)

I should probably start with Hurricane Irene. No, it did not blow away any part of my house, but several trees fell, which was really scary, but not nearly as frightening as having to sleep without AC . . . I hope I never have to do so again. *shudder*

After the storm passed, we ack-chellay got the clear to head to the beach! Our vacation time had been cut down to four days instead of seven, but it was still awesome. In fact, I have taken the liberty of listing all of the things I want to blog about, as well as snapping a few photos, which I plan on having up here as soon as I can get them to send to my email.

First off, the house we rented for the week(ish) came fully stocked with a rather impressive video library, among which were…wait for it!…the BBC versions of The Silver Chair, and Prince Caspian/Voyage of the Dawn Treader! I was pretty excited about this because I feel like I haven’t explored every nook and cranny of my Narniac-ness without experiencing the films in every form. I’d be giving a detailed description of what I thought of them had we stayed the entire seven days, but most unfortunately for me, there wasn’t time between all the things we wanted to do while at the beach for me to sit back and enjoy the company of the alternate versions of some of my favourite people in the world. Arf. Good thing there’s always next year!

But I believe that the most monumental part of vacation was my older sister’s boyfriend coming down to visit…and propose to her! Yup; as of September 2nd, my sis is engaged! Words simply cannot express how happy I am for her. ♥ We even went out to look for dresses, and she found the one that she wants already. It’s all very exciting, but rather bittersweet at the same time. She’s been my best friend my entire life, and it will be awfully sad to see her go when the time comes, but till then, I think I will just enjoy her company as much as possible.

More recently (actually, this past weekend), my little sister and I had the opportunity to be a part of a film crew (yes, you read that right). Each year, the church we attend does a HUGE pageant production for Christmas, and this year, about half of it is going to be a feature film, which is being produced and shot right at church! I don’t know too many details as of yet, but it’s based around World War II, and it’s gonna be pretty epic. And I have to say, sitting in the woods until 12:30AM, going home, and then getting up and having to be back at 6 makes one really feel like they’re part of a film crew. We did a lot of setting up, running extension cords, and my main job was working the fog machine (which I had a love/hate relationship with the entire time). I now know how to make fake blood, set up and take down various pieces of video equipment, and how to catch a runaway blue screen when the wind picks up…which is an adventure all in itself! Hopefully we’ll be called back in this weekend as well. Surely this is something that I can include in my portfolio when I start looking for a professional filming job!

School finally started also. So far everything has been relatively easy and smooth, which I am most thankful for. My first read of the school year was Till We Have Faces by C.S. Lewis, which was FANTASTIC. I think I’m going to make it my goal to read (and re-read) every book he’s ever written. (Of course, you can see how this would most benefit my inner Narniac. (;)

Brainstorming has officially begun for National Novel Writing Month, which is in November! If I haven’t shared about this already, NaNoWriMo is when writers all across the globe take the month of November to attempt to write a 50,000 word novel before the 1st of December. I’ve participated twice in the past, and succeeded both times. Hopefully I’ll be able to keep up my winning streak this year!

I haven’t been able to get out driving as much as I would like, but the great job hunt has officially begun! I’ve got a list of places to apply, so hopefully I will be an employed avid blogger soon!

Cinematically, my sis went out and bought Thor the other day, so hopefully we’ll get a chance to watch that soon. Also, it’s become something of a treasure hunt to attempt to find Transformers 3 on Blu-ray around here…when we went to WalMart, they were completely sold out. That pretty much blew my mind. It would seem that what is apparently the action movie epic of the year will evade my waiting audience for a little while longer!

And now, we get to the part where Megan despairs. For this entire time, since we returned from the beach, I have been battling mercilessly with Windows Movie Maker, who does not seem to get the fact that poor Caroline’s birthday was about a trillion weeks ago, and I still. Have. Yet. To. Post. Her. Birthday. Video. On top of the fact that it was indeed our dear Skandar’s 20th birthday recently, and I still. Have. Yet. To. Even. Conceptualize. Anything. For. That. Birthday. Video. On TOP of the fact that Kellie’s birthday will undoubtedly be here again and it most likely still. Won’t. Let. Me. Make. An. Entire. Video. To. Celebrate. Her. Birthday. Either. As you have probably guessed, this is rather frustrating. But I shall never surrender!! They may not be around for a while (mehhhhhh…) but I will not rest until all video projects have reached completion! I will not EAT. I will not SLEEP. I will not BLINK. I will not…

…okay, maybe I’ll do all of those things, too.

But I do apologize ten thousand times over on my computer’s behalf. However, come Tash or high water, I will win this battle! HUZZAH.

Also, I have added another project idea onto the list of things I have been unable to accomplish yet *cringe lol*…a one-year-DBF-anniversary extravaganza! I figure that if I get started on that now, it should be done by the actual one-year mark (December 22nd!). My only setback? I have virtually no idea what that should be d:. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated!

Well, I believe that I will leave it at that. With any luck, tonight’s epic struggle will leave me with a vid to post tomorrow (if not tonight!). But, until then, I hope that you guys are having a fantastic week! So till later…

DBF out! ♥
^ I’ve missed saying that, lol. :D

In which I underestimate the power of having too many programs running at once and crave churros.

Figures; the moment in which I finally have a moment or two to update the ol’ blog is right before we get hit by a tropical storm and face the prospect of losing power for several days. (However, that’s probably worst case scenario, thus hopefully unlikely. Aha, the optimism lives on!)

So I’ll just have to make sure I cover everything I can in this post!

Needless to say, my family and I aren’t making it to the beach tomorrow, haha. Which really stinks, but at least we may or may not be able to salvage a day or two, or else just go to Busch Gardens for a day or something to compensate. Right now we’re just trying to make sure that we’re prepared for whatever is going to happen over the next few days.

In musical news, I have, at long last, made it to my next songwriting milestone: 250 songs! *party poppers, wild dancing, and other celebratory means ensue* That’s pretty big for me. I may bake myself a little cake or something to celebrate. (Even though, technically, I made it to that mark about 21 and a half songs ago. Details, details. d:) Piano is going pretty well too, and I finally broke down and took my new strings off of my guitar to put the two old ones back on (which I’m pretty sure you’re not really supposed to do, but the new ones had the opposite of the sound I was going for, and I like to stick with what I know works for me). Thankfully, I’ve been getting a lot more writing done on it since.

Okay, you may think that I’m crazy, but I seriously can’t wait for school to start again. *hides behind nearby pillow*. I’m not completely sure why; I guess I just miss having a regular, structured day where I don’t have to wake up and wonder what I’m going to do with myself for the next 12 hours, haha. It could also be that I’m seriously jazzed over this being my last year of school…that’s been known to excite a person.

In literary news, I have successfully taken a bazillion (okay, okay, 14) books out of the library, and yet, I find myself curling up with the Diary of a Wimpy Kid books that my little sister requested. Somehow, I feel as though I am enjoying these more than I (at my age) should. Oh well. I’m a little kid at heart! They’re super easy reads, but perfect if you need a smile. The movies are great too: there’s a lot of light humour, and it impresses me that the younger cast is actually good at acting, which you don’t see a whole lot nowadays. And, well, it helps out a bit that I find the guy who plays Rodrick quite attractive, to be honest.

In cinematic news, I haven’t been to the movies since Harry Potter, which is pretty depressing, haha. I guess I’ve just gotta take a deep breath and wait until my older sister and I can go and see The Three Musketeers. (What was I just saying about attractive young men just now…? (;)

In editing news, WIndows Movie Maker has decided to not allow me to save anything that I work on, so, until I can remedy this rather irritating stumbling block, I’m going to have to once again mehhhh postpone everything that I’ve been trying to accomplish on there this entire summer. Arf. Between that and Irene, this is going to be quite a weekend!

In traveling, as is normal, the most I’ve been around the past month or so has been around my house lol. I can’t wait to start driving for real, so I can start going places. :D

And now I believe that we are running out one last time before these storms hit. Hope that all is well with you guys! My next post may at the earliest be in a day or so, and at the latest in a week, but I’ll see what I can do. So, until then…

DBF out!

P.S. --- A little while back, I revisited our first conversations on NarniaWeb; turns out the day that we “met” was the day after my birthday! (: Just a quick fun fact for ya!

In which I dive to save the coffee mugs.

Did you guys feel the earthquake today?? Hope everything is okay where you are! ♥ (I promise as soon as I get more than ten seconds where my internet, computer, Blogger, and fingers are all working accordingly, I'll put up a proper post!)

DBF out!

In which I am immensely happy to be alive and well.

So apparently the bug bite that I had was from a poisonous spider (likely either a brown recluse or a hobo), and I had MRSA, which is an aggressive form of infection spread by certain spider bites that resists antibiotic treatment if not dealt with in enough time, and is known to cause major organ failure and, in some cases, death.

Thankfully, neither of those things occurred in my case; the bite is almost completely healed, and I am no longer experiencing any of the symptoms. So, basically, I am very, very, VERY happy to be around to type this!!

Despite that, I actually managed to finish what I decided on doing for Skandar's b-day project. The picture mosaic that I planned didn't work out because I was unable to find a compatible software to use that wouldn't cost me an arm and a leg, so instead, I made a Google Search Story video documenting how I came to be a fan up until current time in about 32 seconds. Pretty impressive, those search stories. I'm having a bit of an issue with my converter right now, otherwise I would post it.

Now that I am finally back in good health, I can feel less guilty about making a summer trailer and not making any videos until summer is nearly over by editing, editing, editing. Hopefully, not too many people will need music/videos edited or any other digital-related media things done in the next week or so, so that I can focus on the stuff I already have planned. The only setback to knowing how to do all of this stuff, is that all the people who don't stack up a pretty large pile of things for you to do. But it's all good; I love every minute of it. :D

In other news, vacation 2011 is FINALLY confirmed as a go! I'll be out of state from the 27th of August to the 3rd of September with little to no possibility of being able to post my adventures (the house we rented has internet access, but I have got to be the only 17-year-old in America who doesn't own a laptop, so I won't be able to use it, *facedesk*). However, I'll be sure to take lots of detailed notes and pictures, so that I can relate them to you upon my return.

In cinematic news, my sisters and I were unable to swing the midnight showing of Harry Potter (CURSE YOU, MISTER SPIDER!!), but we were still there on opening day. It's pretty safe to say that I was overjoyed with how the series ended! In an attempt to stay spoiler-free, I'd say that it was as loyal to the book as I would have hoped, I would have liked a little more time spent on Shell Cottage and Gringotts (it felt like I had blinked, and we were back in Hogsmeade), the effects were astounding (it's amazing to see how much they have evolved from the first film to the last!), and 2/3 times, certain lines and moments that I had been expecting were right there, just as I had imagined them. Alexandre Desplat did not disappoint either; his work on the score was PHENOMENAL. I especially enjoyed the inclusion of the original Hedwig's Theme when Harry, Ron, and Hermione return with Neville towards the middle of the film. His take on the music was full of heart, it built where it was supposed to, subsided where it should have, and took the already-heavy emotional weight of the film in its entirety to a completely new plateau. All in all, congrats to the people who brought these films to life, because they turned out just as they should have. I tip my hat to thee!

My summer reading list has grown by about twenty books. It turns out that browsing different genres and recommended reading lists at the library is quite fruitful when attempting to find new and interesting reads. As well as some well-loved familiar books, I'm happy to be discovering new ones. It's been a very successful literary summer so far!

Musically, it's been fantastic as well. I'm working on some new covers to hopefully actually get the chance to record --- yes, RECORD --- over the next month or so! I have a friend who is a music producer, and has a studio right in his house, and we're trying to plan an afternoon to hang out and do what we do best: make music. I will definitely be posting the results of our musical labors (and, of course, insanity) as they come!

I have also discovered what I think could possibly be the ultimate 18th birthday gift: the Prince Caspian reusable sticker book. I was pretty much speechless when I found it online. Now, if I can just convince my family of my sanity (even though I doubt it exists much anymore XD)...

Hopefully, I'll be out driving soon. My mom gets horrible migraines, so sometimes she's too sick to take me driving. I hate to mention this, but the first time I was behind the wheel, I hit the van on a wooden stake which left a long, bumpy line across the side, so I'm not too terribly confident just yet. Ahh well. Baby steps!

Anyways, I think I'll wrap this gargantuan blog update up now. Indecision is currently plaguing me: should I read, write, edit, or watch LWW (commentary version, of course!)? I think I'll draw from a hat!

Hope that your weeks are going smoothly! :D

DBF out!

In which Megan now just feels like she’s spamming up everybody’s dashboards.

OKAY, this is the third post I’ve put up in two hours, but I got on Facebook and the first thing I saw was THIS!

We should totally put together some graphics or something for our favorite Skandar’s 20th! (Not to mention the only Skandar I think exists at the moment, haha). I’m thinking about doing one of those things where you take one picture, and make it by putting together a thousand little tiny pictures within the picture. I may use all screencaps from Narnia and other such pics. I’ve never done one of those before, so this ought to be interesting!

Let the brainstorming begin!!

DBF out!

In which Megan tries out a new plugin.

This is what I live for. (And no, I don’t mean “toastie”. (;)

Okay, so while catching up from my three-week absence, I noticed that Kellie mentioned wishing that you could get The Call by Regina Spektor without having to purchase the entire Prince Caspian album. So it hit me that, if I get the proper plugin for Windows Live Writer, I can probably upload the MP3 that I have on my iTunes and, thus, make the world a more musical place. So, if this works right, you should be able to right-click the text below and say “Save target as…” or something of that nature, and then save it and open it with iTunes or whichever music media base that you use and VOILA!

And if this does not work, I’ll have to weep. (Probably not, but it’ll be a bummer, haha.)

DBF out!

(Oh, and lest I forget... I believe that it was Caroline who mentioned a few posts ago wishing that keyboards had a music note key. In a way, they do. You just have to hold in the "ALT" key, then type "14" (without the quotation marks -- just 14) on the numeric pad on the right side of the keyboard, and a music note appears! It's the same with "13" as well. Observe: ♪♫. :D You can do that with a ton of other number combinations, too (well over a hundred, if I remember correctly)... I'll put a grid below.)

alt + 1 =
alt + 2 = ☻
3 = ♥
4 = ♦
5 = ♣
6 = ♠
7 = •
8 = ◘
9 = ○
10 = ◙
11 = ♂
12 = ♀
13 = ♪
14 = ♫
15 = ☼
16 = ►
17 = ◄
18 = ↕
19 = ‼
20 = ¶
21 = §
22 = ▬
23 = ↨ (same as 18)
24 = ↑
25 = ↓
26 = →
27 = ←
28 = ∟
29 = ↔
30 = ▲
31 = ▼
32 = (space)
33 = !
34 = "
35 = #
36 = $
37 = %
(and I believe from here on out it's standard keyboard symbols and the alphabet/numeric alphabet. Pretty nifty, hu? (:)

In which Megan has her leg propped up on her desk like she’s some sort of cheerleader.

Recap of the past three weeks begins now!

First off, I have to explain the propping. Remember a while back when I said that I had some sort of infected bug bite on my knee? Well, I got another one last Sunday, and it’s just now starting to shrink down. So, naturally, I’ve been couch-ridden with a heating pad on my leg for the majority of the week, not getting much done but putting a considerable dent in my reading list.

Other than that, life’s been pretty swell! We went to Pennsylvania last week (we used to live there till we moved a few years back) to visit some family. I keep forgetting how much I miss it there. (:

Then we kept up a 4th of July tradition and went to spend the day at the beach on Monday, which was awesome, except that it stormed really hard the entire way back home, which meant that the fireworks for the night were cancelled. Big bummer, but at least there were some great waves to ride!

My older sister and I went to see the first two Transformers movies together, and we’re planning on going to see the third one soon, but my little sister wanted to go with us, so we re-watched the first two to refresh our memories. That was a ton of fun – those movies rock. So between that and Harry Potter (IN FIVE DAYS ASDFGHJKL), I can practically hear the cinema calling my name.

I’m missing voice lessons terribly, but I’ve come up with a solution: COVERS! I’ve been making a list of songs to cover on piano and guitar over the summer, and so far have seven “albums”, so to say, lined up. If you have any suggestions for songs, let me know! Then as soon as I have them ready, I’ll get recording (erm, on my camera, that is) and have it up here.

Also, I have this rekindling fascination with chess. My older sister has a really sweet virtual version of it on her laptop which is a lot of fun, but unfortunately I’m $498 short of being able to get one of my own so that I can see if I can beast the computer haha. Epic fail? Will have to be patient until birthday/Christmas at this point? Desperately need a job? I do think so.

Last night my mom, sisters, and I watched The Social Network, which was really fast-paced, but a fantastic movie. It was funny getting on Facebook after seeing all that it took to get it to the point it has arrived at now.

I’m sure that there’s a ton of other things that I have forgotten to mention, but they’ll have to wait until I’m not on super strong Motrin for le annoying infection to be recalled *blushblush*. So, until then, my friends, I bid you adieu. Hope that the sun keeps shining for ya!

DBF out!

In which Megan is feeling so melodious, but has no way of expressing it.

The trickiest part about sharing a piano in your sister’s bedroom is that at ten o’clock at night when she’s getting ready for sleep, one does not simply walk into Mordor her room and play her piano. *sigh*. I’ll just keep dreaming, then. (:

OH MY GOSH I HAVE MISSED BLOGGING!! So much has been happening, it’s insane.

Well, first off, my computer is being such a pain that I have begun the tedious task of trying to save up for a laptop. The one I have my eye on is $500, but I’m sure that if I keep up chores and such, I’ll be able to get one before I’m 20. (; I think what I’m most looking forward to about this is the blu-ray capability, and if I get a certain bundle, I can pick two free blu-rays to go with it. Can you say “Percy Jackson/Alice In Wonderland/Voyage of the Dawn Treader in BR HD”? I do think so. :D

Second off, I am addicted to Mario Kart. Short and to the point, yes, but if I start going I probably won’t stop. >:D

Third off, I’m working on convincing my mom that if we don’t somehow make it to the Narnia Exhibit in Kentucky, I might not make it to see 18. So far not so hot, considering we’re trying to make sure that we can pay for vacation ‘11 and whatnot, but I’ll just keep my fingers crossed for that one. If not, hopefully it will stop by Virginia one of these times!

Fourth off, my sisters and I may very well be going to a midnight showing of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part Two in compensation of my family dragging me to see Breaking Dawn at midnight in November (or is it December?). (Despite Harry and Peter’s frequent feuds, I am ack-chellay a big fan of the Harry Potter series. And, though both parties insist that I should pick a side and stick with it, I refuse to side with just one or the other lest I start the biggest Narnian/wizarding war there ever shall be, even though my loyalty so obviously lies with the Narnians.) Okay, not really in compensation, but I’m not exactly an overwhelmingly huge fan of vampires that sparkle and adult werewolves that fall in love with babies. AWKWARDNESS. Just saying. So I’m hoping that this will null the blech-ness of having to go to that at the end of this year, so that if anyone happens to ask me, “Hey Megan, didja see any good movies this year?”, I can answer, “Why yes I did. I went to see Harry Potter at midnight.” and not have only Breaking Dawn as my answer.

Fifth off, I won’t be going to Summer Camp at my church next month, or the mission trip to Italy, so that will give me the entire month of July free; PLENTY of time to work on all of the videos that I’ve displayed in my Summer 2011 trailer. YAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAY. I’ve missed doing that so much, you have no idea.

Sixth off, I may or may not be out of the state all next week, so I more than likely won’t be posting much. If I do, I’ll try to take some pictures of where I grew up to share. I happen to love it. (:

Seventh off, I hope you’ve got your thinking caps on, because in the first video that I’ll be posting (which I’ll attempt to edit this weekend because I’ll be gone next week), you’ll have to guess WHICH PERSON IS ME! >:D (I feel so evil right now, it’s ridiculous.)

And finally, I’ve been making quite a dent in my summer reading list with the Percy Jackson & the Olympians series (AWESOME books, just finished them all!), and this series that my older sister suggested to me, which I have yet to start: A Great and Terrible Beauty, Rebel Angels, and The Sweet Far Thing, all by Libba Bray. I’m less-than-patiently awaiting the release of Forever, which is the third and last in the Wolves of Mercy Falls series by Maggie Stiefvater, which I happen to love. (I’m not usually into the new age werewolf nonsense, but, as far as those sorts of stories go, these are pretty decent). I’m really hoping that I don’t run out of books before the summer is over! As far as movies go, as I said, hopefully HP at midnight is in my future, and my older sister and I are keeping up a tradition and going to see the new Transformers movie when it comes out. We’ve gone to see the first two and loved them, so this one had better be just as good! Unfortunately other than that, it probably won’t be a very theatrical summer for Megan. I’m still trying to convince my sister to take me to see Pirates of the Caribbean, but it’s not looking like that’s gonna happen. d:

Well, I hope that you guys are having a fantastic week so far! (:

DBF out!

In which I try to calculate how long it's been since I've been here.

But thankfully, I now have plenty of time to do whatever I please! (:

And speaking of...

To celebrate this day upon which I have returned to Earth from the planet of eternal educational suffering, I have created a trailer for things to come this summer. Hope you enjoy!

(I'll also be putting together a proper post telling of my adventures since I have disappeared later today.)

DBF out!

In which I am insanely proud of myself for accomplishing this.

I seriously feel as though I have achieved greatness with this. :D I should probably explain.

Usually, when I create a video, it doesn’t upload from my camera to my computer.


This time, it HAS! And, in case you hadn’t already guessed, I am completely thrilled about that.

Anyhow, I digress. Here is the video that I shot a few days ago of me playing Wind by Brian Crain on my sister’s keyboard. I messed up a few times, but, strangely, I prefer to mess up a few times rather than completely get everything right haha. And, naturally, I couldn’t just upload the video… I’ve made a few, erm, Megan-ish modifications to it. (; Enjoy!

NOTE: It's best viewed in full-screen mode!

In which I find myself strangely addicted to changing my computer cursor.

Indeed I am. Right now it's Sleeping Beauty themed (Aurora and Prince Philip dancing in a continuous circle), and I take great enjoyment out of sitting them in random places on my computer screen. They were dancing in a picture of New York earlier.

I am far too easily entertained.

Anyways, quick update while I'm thinking about it. This will most likely be my last post for the next week or so because school is out in ten days, and it's kept me really busy. Annual testing is coming up quick, so I'm cramming for that. I take the language arts half this weekend, and then math next weekend. Speaking of school, I think I've decided that, if I make it to a university, I want to do further biology. Not sure if being a biologist is quite my calling yet, but all I know is that I love it, and it'd really be worthwhile for me to do more of it in the future.

Two weeks ago we went to see Beauty and the Beast on broadway for my older sister's birthday, and it was FANTASTIC!! We saw it in this old theater that was absolutely gorgeous... of course I had my DBFs in mind while we were there, so I snapped a few pictures with my phone to post. Unfortunately, my service provider takes forever to send pics from my phone to my email so that I can upload them places, so I'm still waiting on that.

I also discovered that I'm allergic to certain mosquito bites. Remember a few months back when I mentioned having some sort of infected bug bite on the back of my leg? Well all last week, I had the same sort of bite on my knee. It's not fun, but at least it's gone now.

My family has FINALLY booked vacation 2011! I'm reeeeeally excited, cause we haven't been to the beach in two years. I've missed it!

I've been trying to master the finer art of piano on one song so that I can make a video of it to post on here, but my camera was dead yesterday, so I'm aiming to do that today. Be on the lookout for it!

I know I say this a lot, but I have to once again. I am so incredibly thankful to call you guys friends. Last weekend was really rough for me; the group of girls I used to be really close with ditched me when we were supposed to go to homeschool prom together (none of us had dates, so we were going to go as a group), and it really hurt to see how much they threw it in my face. But however alone I felt then, I could still get on here and know that I'm not alone. Thanks for always being there. It means the world to me. (:

And now, unfortunately, I have to return to analogies. Hopefully these next few days will fly by! Hope you're having a splendid day. (:

DBF out!

In which I attempt to make the best of a really terrible day but still end up frowning because I do not own a capo.

But, as lovely as a capo would be right about now, I’ve still managed to let some frustration out by jamming on the guitar a bit. I’ve gotta make myself stop writing songs with only two strings! Hopefully it won’t be too hard to remember everything and put the rest of the notes together when I’ve attained the rest of them.

Well, it’s pretty rainy and dreary today, which usually isn’t a bad thing, but this particular day, it’s a bit of a menace. My older sister had to go to the hospital for a breathing test because of her asthma, so my mom’s been gone pretty much all day long, which is a HUGE bummer cause me and my dad don’t get along so well. Luckily I got school done relatively fast, and we have to go back out shopping a bit more, AND we’re coloring Easter eggs together tonight, so hopefully we can salvage what’s left of today.

In the course of trying to figure out what I’m going to do with myself all summer long, my mom suggested trying embroidery. So, when school is out (THREE WEEKS!!), I’m going to go to Michael’s Arts and Crafts and buy myself a pattern to start on. I’m hoping that by the end of this year, I can get good enough at it to go out and buy a large one with a ship on it, make the sail purple, then hang it up in my room. Plus, my little sister is going to paint my new bedroom door to look like the wardrobe door in The Lion, The Witch, and the Wardrobe, so every time I go to enter my room, it’s like I’m walking into Narnia! I can’t WAIT for that to be done. I’ll definitely snap some pictures and post them when it is.

I’ve also finally decided what I’m going to do with the last bits of my room that I can personalize. (In light of what my door is going to look like, I asked my mom if I could put a lamp post in the middle of my room… she did not exactly condone this idea, haha). There’s a long space above my desk on the wall where I want to hang all the Narnia film posters, given that I can track them down. d: And then, with a lot of hard work, I’m going to raise enough money to buy myself a copy of Rhindon (anywhere from $200 to &3000, yiiiiiiikes), which I’ll hang in the space over my door. This will probably take me until I move out haha, but it’ll be so worth it to see it at it’s completion!

Well, I’ve rambled long enough. Hope everyone is having a splendid weekend! :D

DBF out!

In which I have never argued with technology as much as I have these past few weeks.

Which is quite frustrating, but I’ll keep going till I see the light at the end of the tunnel. (Which would happen to be in the form of everything I’ve been working on for the past month. d:)

Tonight was a great night at church. There weren’t many people in Production, nor were there any productive things to do, so we just sat and swapped stories with our youth pastor, which was loads of fun. This Friday we’re doing a Good Friday service in the youth (called The Good Friday Experience), which I get to help with for Production. I’m fairly positive that I’ll be helping run the media desk, which is always fun. I can’t wait!

SO, I have been able to get one thing to work for me… per request, here are the pictures of the postcards from VDT that I promised! (The first few were taken in my bathroom where I thought the lighting would be best, but it just created a pesky glare on most of them, so I switched to laying across my bedroom floor and taking them instead.)


The Dawn Treader herself on the cover! I used a Color Pop effect on most of these to reflect how amazing the colors ack-chellay are as opposed to the dullness my camera initially gave them. I figured that, as wonderfully artsy as my DBFs are, I might as well add that to give them the full effect.


Love this one of Lucy!


This one is the first one in the book, but the pictures got out of order… oops. d: Anyhow, I adore the shades of blue in contrast to the gold, brown, and yellow on Aslan.


I didn’t use the Color Pop on this one cause it made Eustace look orange. This one made me giggle.


King Caspian looking all scruffy!


My favorite picture in all of Narnia history!! If I didn’t want to preserve their booked beauty, I would hang this one up on my wall. I’m still arguing with myself as to whether I will end up doing just that or not! I should also note that the big bright spot is the glare from my ceiling fan that I failed to block with my head. Fail!


My nemesis. (x I really do like this picture though, I remember back when it was used as a promotional image in People magazine. Ahhh, memories!


Reepicheep rocks my socks! I love his little sword for some reason.


The purple spot on Lucy’s cheek is also not supposed to be there. I have absolutely no idea how it came to be! This is another lovely shot of her.


I adore the detail in this one. The campfire scene between Reep and Eustace was so heartwarming in the film as well!


And now we’ve come to my personal favorite, haha. (With the exception of the one from Aslan’s Country, of course!) Even Caspian’s got a winning smile! And then… there’s Skedmund… *swoon*.

The rest of the packaging is pretty fantastic, but I’m not gonna spoil ALL the surprises! (; Also, on the back of each postcard is a quote from a character on the card, which is really neat. They had a few lines that I’m guessing are from deleted scenes cause they weren’t in the film, and they have a quote labeled as being said by Caspian when it was really said by Coriakin, but it’s neat all the same.

Anyways, I’ve gotta get some sleep, cause tomorrow I’ve gotta get school done early so that we can go shopping. Until later, sail on!

DBF out!

(By the by, I’ve come to realize that the sign-out I usually use has caught on with my DBFs, and I think it’s completely awesome! :D)

In which I have terribly missed blogging.

Life has gotten CRAZY CRAZY CRAZY! Between trying to finish up school and spring cleaning and more birthdays and all that jazz, I’m afraid that blogging has completely slipped my mind. D: So, here to act as a remedy for that, are several things that I have managed to find time to work on between all the craziness.

First of all, about a week ago, my mom, little sister, and I had to go to Sam’s Club for some stuff, and the line was long, so my mom let me and my sister go and look at the games and movies and stuff, and we discovered that Sam’s Club is on Harry Potter’s side when it comes to the whole Peter VS Harry thing…

peter animosity!

Teehee. He never saw it coming!! Thanks to Pookie for holding it for me so that there wasn’t a nasty glare on beautiful Skedmund’s face.

So going to Wal*Mart for Voyage of the Dawn Treader turned out to be quite the adventure. We got a pretty late start on account of my mom being sick and my sister being at work, but, bless her, my mom promised us that we’d get out to get it that day. After going from the front of the store to the back and then returning to the front to get JUUUUUST the right copy (yes, we were ridiculous like that), after we checked out the alarms at the doors went off because the thing on the Blu-Ray hadn’t been deactivated. SO then we stood at the desk where the person who’s in charge of making sure that people don’t steal stuff for a solid ten minutes because the lady there was super slow. (In this time, of course, my palms begin to sweat and I get the shakes cause I’m convinced that we won’t make it out with our lives! Juuust kidding. (;) Fortunately, we got out and got home in enough time to watch it before bed.

Speaking of, the Blu-Ray is pretty fantastic. We got the special collector’s edition (my sister called it “the pretty one”, haha), which had the embellished-looking sleeve over the fold-out case, which held the Blu-Ray, DVD, and a digital copy, which disappeared into my bedroom that night, teehee. It also was accompanied by a book with postcards in it that I dare not remove, thus spoil their awesomeness. There’s a particularly gorgeous one (which I’m fairly certain is the last one in there) of Caspian and Edmund after the crew frees the slaves on the Lone Islands. I was mesmerized for a good amount of time (by Ed, naturally) before I remembered that we had to put the movie into the player in order to watch it, and it was still sitting in my lap.

Ahhhh. Life is good.

In (surprisingly!) non-Narnian news, the weather has been getting increasingly warmer here, which has been rather nice. I just wish that it would rain more often!

I’ve been thinking about making any future Blunderkinds that have a backstory into videos instead of standalone pictures, like I did for Bappy Hirthday. That was a blast, and it allowed there to be a little more humor than normal in the story. Any thoughts? (: Also, I just saw that Kellie had a brilliant idea to put together a video of Skedmund greatest hits, which I would be delighted to do a rendition of! I’m pretty sure that I’ve got a decent list of things to include in it, but feel free to toss some more out there that I may have missed.

Hope you’re having a great week! (:

DBF out!

In which I toss a post up here cause it’s been almost two weeks.

I feel like I haven’t posted in forever! Ahh well. Here we go with the update.

Yesterday I showed my learner’s permit test who’s boss. >:D My mom told me that today, I’m gonna drive for the first time ever. I’m psyched! Look out world, Megan is now legally on wheels!

On a sadder note, I successfully completed The Potter Plot Part Two, only for my computer to momentarily crash on me, and delete the whole thing. So now, despite being pretty perplexed, I’ll be trying to work twice as fast to re-invent it! My only setback is that every weekend now, I’m getting these horrible headaches. Hopefully that won’t happen this weekend!

And speaking of this weekend…


Okay. I’m good now.

Anyways, I’ve gotta go and do school so that we can run to Wal*Mart. Oh boy!! I’ll give you the full rundown of the Dawn Treader adventure when we get back!

Have a wunderfull day! (:

DBF out!

Impromptu post, but… as soon as I saw this, I had to blog it! (:

In which I share with you one of my all-time favorite books EVER.

I was having a bit of a flashback moment, and decided last week to re-read some books that I haven’t in a while. Well, when I was finished this one, I thought of my dear blogging friends immediately. (: (I’ll warn you though, I’m not good at this whole reviewing thing, so bear with me on this one!)

bamarreThe Two Princesses of Bamarre, by award-winning fantasy novelist Gail Carson Levine, is without a doubt one of the most fantastic books I have ever read, and I shall tell you why.

It follows the story of sisters Addie and Meryl (the girls for whom the book was named). Meryl, fair-haired and carefree, is brave and courageous, dreaming of slaying the monsters that plague their kingdom. Whereas Addie, quiet and intellectual, is timid, and would rather stay inside and do embroidery than face even a spider. She fears that if Meryl leaves the castle to fight monsters, Meryl will be slain herself. But it is not the gryphons, specters, or dragons that Bamarrians fear the most. The worst monster is the Gray Death, an incurable sickness of unknown origin that claims the lives of all of its victims. An age-old prophecy telling of when the cure will be discovered has been the only hope for the people of Bamarre for years. Meryl fantasizes of one day seeking it out, while Addie fears that either one of them might get it, and be unable to do anything about it.

The tables are turned, however, when Meryl falls ill. When it is revealed that she has contracted the Gray Death, Addie must summon the courage to go out and find the cure. Aided by a few tools (a magical cloak, a tablecloth that provides food for the bearer, boots that allow you to travel great distances with a single step, and Meryl’s sword), an apprentice sorcerer named Rhys, and a mysterious, invisible helper, Addie must brave ogres, gryphons, specters, and even a dragon to save the sister whom she loves.

The author conveys well the emotion of each sequence. The heartfelt, sisterly exchanges between Addie and Meryl, the fear of the unknown as Addie travels to and fro in her quest for the cure, the warmth of a secret love between Addie and Rhys, and even the comical image of a fearsome dragon sitting like a little dog are all portrayed wonderfully through the simple art of words. I believe the elements I most enjoyed were the unpredictable ending (I was waiting for a disappointing cliche, but it thankfully did not come), and the bond between Meryl and Addie. I enjoy being able to relate to it. It made me wonder if I would do the same for one of my sisters.

Well, that’s it on a literary note. I got sick-ish over the weekend, so I was unable to put the finishing touches on the things I’ve been trying to upload for a while. Paired with my procrastination, editing has been a nightmare lately, haha. But as soon as that’s done, it’ll be up here! (:

DBF out!

In which I take the online driver’s test for the zillionth time and recall something that I’ve been meaning to do.

It’s hit me recently that everyone in my class (and below!) have gotten their permit or license, and I haven’t even gotten my permit yet, and it would be really nifty to be able to drive, so I’m taking the online quiz over and over to get myself completely confident. I’m hoping to go for my permit next week. Ahhh! Hopefully it’ll go well.

Anyways, as I was trying to remember which way is right and which way is left (>.<!!), I remembered that I promised to post the lyrics to the song I wrote just recently, soooo… here you are! Constructive criticism is always welcome. (:

What You Said

Big eyes
Light hair
Still alive
But only half there
The sweetest smile
The most comforting laugh
Only knew her for a while
But I wish she was back

And I wish I knew
All the answers to
These questions I
Hide in my mind, like

Where were You when she decided to take her life?
How could You go and leave her side?
I don’t understand
Where were You?

Second mother
Irreplaceable wife
Knows me unlike any other
Been around my whole life
The doctor says
She’ll be gone in two years
It’s out of my hands
But I’m never out of tears

And I wish I knew
All the answers to
These questions I
Hide in my mind, like

Where were You when she got the disease?
How could You let this happen to me?
I don’t understand
Where were You?

Where were You in the midst of my suffering?
Are You out there somewhere? Are You listening?
I don’t understand
Where were You

I’m aching
I’m hurting
I’m asking
Where are You?
I’m crying
I’m dying
I’m trying
Just to make it through
I’m crawling
I’m falling
I’m asking
Where are You?
I’m beat up
I’m messed up
I’m screaming
Just to make it through
Where are You?
Where are You?
Where are You?

And I wish I knew
All the answers to
The questions I
Hide in my mind

Then You said

I was right there when she took her life
I held her hand, I never left her side
She never left My Love
That’s where I was
I was right there when she got the disease
She was never out of my reach
She never left My Love
That’s where I was

I am with you in the midst of your suffering
I’ll hold you close, I’m always listening
When you fall on your knees
That’s where I’ll be

*guitar riff haha*

Then You said
I am with you in the midst of your suffering
I’ll hold you close, I’m always listening
When you fall to your knees
That’s where I’ll be

A bit of backstory on this song… the first verse is obviously dedicated to Miranda, who, though I only knew for a short time, managed to make a very large impact on my life. The second verse is dedicated to my Gran, who was diagnosed with ALS (a terminal disease) last January. She went to be with the Lord on September 23rd, and I will never ever forget her because she was such a huge impact on my life. She was literally my second mother; I grew up just down the street from her and Pop’s house. I wrote this song cause they were questions that I had myself, and I vent best through song. It’s sort of a testimony to the time in which my faith was most tested.

All of my songs have stories. If I were ever to be so blessed as to have them recorded, I’d set up a website JUST for the stories, haha.

Let me know what you guys think! Hope you’re having a Skantastic day! ;D

DBF out!

In which I attempt to be deep and intellectual.

Today I found myself looking back on the blog that I kept through some of the hardest years of my life, and it got me thinking about the people who I left behind. Which, in turn, got me thinking about this…

A man of many companions may come to ruin, but there is a friend who sticks closer than a brother.” –Proverbs 18:24

I had a lot of friends, yes, but now that I think back on it, it did bring me to ruin. I changed a lot, too, for worse instead of better.

The reason that I’m posting this in the first place is that, in the course of thinking all of these things, for the first time in a while, I didn’t feel sad. I felt happy that that part of my life is over. And, above all else, I’m thankful for the second part of that verse; for the amazing people God has placed in my life over the past year. 2010 was pretty rough, but 2011’s only getting better. I’ve never been so happy to have such wonderful people surrounding me. I’ve never been so happy to be alive.

And, of course, that most certainly includes my dear blogging friends! You guys have been nothing short of incredible. Thank you for your encouragement and entertainment. I love you!! ♥

“And in him you too are being built together to become a dwelling in which God lives by his Spirit." –Ephesians 2:22

Looking forward to more progress over here on this construction site!

DBF out!

In which my fingers hurt from playing guitar a lot.

I’m not quite used to playing my guitar (what with it only having two strings on it and whatnot), but I ack-chellay managed to defy the odds and write a song on it this evening. There’s this songwriting class that I go to at my church every month, and our “homework” for this month was to write a song that asks a question (an amazing example of such a song would be What If by Nichole Nordeman). I’m very happy with how it turned out, and hope that when I share it next month, everyone else will enjoy it too! If you’d like I’ll post the lyrics so that you can be my first judges of how I did.

In editing news, I’m nearly finished the first quarter of the Skandar collage (I think I’m aiming for it to have around 50 different pictures in it, which is a LOT of resizing!), and hopefully getting at least half of TPP Part Two done tonight. Ahh, the life of an insomniac.

In other news, I believe my wisdom teeth are coming in, so if I disappear for a few days within the next few weeks, that is probably why. My little sister has bronchitis, so I’m praying that I don’t catch that too!

And, to conclude, I recall a while back coming across this interesting video on one of the Narnia fansites, which included a rather adorable shot of Skandar twirling around in a circle and laughing on the deck of the Dawn Treader, during the filming of the scene where Edmund, Lucy, and Eustace first get into Narnia. It’s been about three months and I have NO IDEA WHERE I SAW IT. It’s perplexing me as only a lost Skedmund video could.

Here’s to searching, editing, and doing biology till my head explodes with a nice can of Mountain Dew and sore fingers! Not to mention that my iTunes decided to go and delete three quarters of the album artwork out of my library for Lord only knows what reason, which is pretty pesky to retrieve when one has 1013 songs on their iPod. Oh well. At least I have stuff to do! Positive thinking is a virtue.

DBF out!

In which I take Windows Live Writer for a test run.

Mmhmm. WLW is pretty nifty.

SO. Only 16 days left till Voyage of the Dawn Treader is out on DVD and Blu-ray. HECK YES! My sister sent me a pic via cell phone of Wal*Mart’s ad for it in their store, even though I was standing right there. I hopped in one place for a bit and “SQUEEEEEE”ed some, but hey. That’s what Narniacs do.

I taught myself how to play There’s A Place For Us by accident yesterday while I was playing piano. I know that it’s not the legit thing, and it probably pales in comparison to the actual song, but at least I can jam a version of it out whenever I feel like it!

In other news, I am addicted to frozen yogurt. There’s this lovely little place called Sweet Frog about ten minutes from my house, and it is amazing fantastic out of this world EPIC. It’s a frozen yogurt buffet. You get a flavor of yogurt, then put whatever you want on top. The coolest thing though is that you could literally put ANYTHING as a topping, cause they’ve got everything from Kit Kats to marshmallows to fresh fruit to cake. CAKE. I am in love.

Also, though I’m not exactly an overwhelmingly huge fan of Twilight (in fact it really just bugs me), the soundtrack for New Moon is pretty awesome. If you, like me, enjoy random music that no one ever listened to before it was in the film, then it’s a paradise.

Lastly, it has come to my attention that the Skedmund collage that I had at the bottom of the posts on my blog has disappeared in the course of switching over so that comments could be posted. This is a depressing find, so I’m working on a new one. (Along with the next part of The Potter Plot, which I hope to have finished by the end of this week!) Oh heck, I’ll just toss a few avatars up here now to help sooth the Skedmund withdraw. Honestly, it won’t be that much trouble. (;


34826_140040872717410_100001344930258_194604_8019380_n[1] 35616_180398558653753_100000508293229_655207_6920850_n[1] 

vdt edmund av1 stupid lucky bird av

skandar vaaaampireee idk av

Later loves!

DBF out!

In which Megan slaps her forehead in dismay.

Epic fail. I am a terrible DBF, haha.


To celebrate the day of the birth of one of my dear blogging friends, I have concocted this very special Blunderkind. Click play if you dare!

So, just so that my procrastination doesn't strike, I should probably begin working on any sequels and whatnot for future birthdays now. (x

DBF out!

In which I discover iGoogle and name the sea serpent from Voyage of the Dawn Treader.

First and foremost... iGoogle is amazing. I'm way too easily entertained with technology, haha. Which reminds me that I'm in the process of either finding or creating a widget for technical questions. I feel so educated!

I have interesting adventures. Yesterday, I discovered this big box in my living room. I was joking around with my mom about what could be inside, and I used one of my answers for everything ("OR get eaten by a sea serpent!"), and she told me that that's what was in the box.

So, naturally, I proceeded to go to my room, get my plastic sword Nodnihr, and poke the box repeatedly, waiting for it to hiss at me or something. Of course, I doubt that would've done much good had there really been a sea serpent inside the box, but it was a fun role-play all the same. (I also shined my silver torch at it for a while, but then I remembered that that would only divert it's attention to me, which I really didn't want.)

Oh, and I also named it Henry. So now, when I watch VDT in April, I will most likely inadvertently associate the name "Henry" with the sea serpent. Which led me to creating this last night...

I really must train Henry to not eat adorable guys. That will surely be a damaging thing in the future.

DBF out!

In which I FINALLY present...

Here we see Wizzle concocting an evil plan to rid the
world of his nemesis, Harry Potter, forever! Will he
(Erm, probably not...)

 be continued!