In which I discover that General Mills approves of my life.

Okay, not the silly Narnia pics that I promised, but I just had to share these!

Well, here you can observe that not only does General Mills approve of my kitchen floor, but ALSO my mom's pancakes. That's pretty spiffy, if you ask me.

Ahh, life is beautiful. DBF out!

In which I celebrate the abolishment of the hue of black on my head.

The black hair is GOOOOOOOOOOOONE!! You have no idea how happy that makes me. Brown hair has never felt so good! :D

So, I must apologize for evaporating for a while there. School has been keeping me pretty busy lately, which is one of the many reasons that I think it should really just disappear. I ADORE winter, but summer is sounding better and better each day!

OHMYGOODNESS. The Voyage of the Dawn Treader comes out on DVD sometime in April! I'm really excited. My younger sister and I have already decided that we're going to watch The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe two days before, then Prince Caspian the day before, and then The Voyage of the Dawn Treader the day we buy it. Oh boy! This should be full to the brim with inside jokes, throwing popcorn at each other, and Narnia. Can you say "best weekend EVER"? I sure can!

Last Saturday, I went to Barnes and Noble with my sisters, and I bet you can guess what I came home with.


The Voyage of the Dawn Treader soundtrack! It's amazing. I can't stop listening to the last two tracks, Ship To Shore and Time To Go Home. They made me cry until I finally became immune to them two days prior to this post, haha. I've begun teaching myself how to play them on piano, and, as soon as I can get them down, I'll attempt, YET AGAIN!, to record them in a video and get it on here. I'm excited!

Speaking of excited, I'm fairly certain that I've decided on a song for the Coffeehouse next month! I've been practicing it like mad ever since, which would be another reason for my lack of blogging. It's an original, and I'm not a hundred percent sure if this is it, but I'll just pray about it and see within the next week. Auditions are on the 12th of Feburary. It's go time!

I find it also important to mention that more silly Narnia pictures, and maybe even a video or two, are in production! If I can find a program that allows me to convert a video that I have to one that I can edit on Windows Movie Maker, I can share with you *pause for dramatic effect* Gimli's Relay Race! (Which isn't super impressive, but it's what happens when you give Megan the Fellowship of the Ring video game and a cameraphone. Teehee.) I've just got to track down some silly pictures, get creative, and I am back in business!

Unfortunately, there is a less-than-positive thing about this past week. I have been supposedly bitten by some sort of bug, and the back of my right leg has proceeded to swell up like a party balloon and hurt like billy. But the swelling has gone down now, which is lovely. I'm just praying that it goes away! I don't want to go in to see a doctor and have them stick stuff in it and cut at it and all sorts of things that my nightmares are made of! :O

Oh me of little faith. It'll be better in no time! (:

DBF out!


In which I return like the king.

Little bit of LOTR humor there in the title, haha.

SO. I have been missing for what feels like thirteen hundred years. That is merely because I have had an ongoing migraine for the past three days, which absolutely stunk, but thankfully, it seems to have passed now. Huzzah!

Wednesday night I was made painfully aware of my shyness in Production. Since I haven't mentioned it yet, I should explain that I have begun attending the youth Production Team, who handles set building, camera handling, creative brainstorming, and all that jazz. Well, last night we were brainstorming and, since when I get shy I just kind of sit there awkwardly, I had all these ideas that I failed to share. THUS, someone else who literally had the SAME EXACT IDEAS shared them instead of me, and got a lot of creative credit. Which I'm cool with, I'm not exactly a limelight hog (I much prefer hiding behind stuff haha), but it made me realize that I need to start being a wee bit more outspoken during stuff, no matter how many people are around. Yeah...yeah! YEAH! (<-- Now I just sound like the Dufflepuds again. d;)

I'm considering singing and playing piano for the youth's coffee house talent show thing next month, even though I have no earthly idea what I would sing and play, haha. I somewhat wanted to do something original, but I have nothing prepared, which just spells trouble, so I thought that maybe I would sing If I Die Young by The Band Perry (who, serendipitously enough, was mentioned on Lady Caroline's blog earlier, haha), but for one thing, it's a popular song, so I don't want to end up auditioning with the same song as someone else, and for another thing, it was the song used in the video shown to the youth that Amber put together for Miranda, so I'm not entirely sure I could make it all the way through it while being watched. I've braved it in the shower, but the shower and the stage are two completely different places. I'll just have to pray about it and see what happens!

I have discovered recently that I love Biology. No lie, I LOVE it. Something about sorting different living organisms into their phylums, classes, orders, and kingdoms brings me great joy. Maybe that's just me, haha, but I love it.

Unfortunately I am at a creative loss at the moment, and am sadly devoid of both humerous creativity and pictures to make new silly edited photos. Me thinks I will make a pact with myself to work on that this weekend.

Today I spent a good part of the early afternoon playing piano for the first time in a while. It was fun, except now everytime I play, by the time I'm done, my fingers hurt something awful. Ahh well. They'll just have to buck up a bit, that's all!

Well. The past few days have been pretty uneventful, haha. I found myself wondering if I'm going to bother going to prom or not this year, and, in my quest to find a Narnian-looking dress, I found a website that specializes in Elven wedding dresses! Which, of course, meant...

Megan = :D!!

It's at, and I'm just putting an awesomeness warning out there! If I was anywhere remotely close to getting married, that would be the first place I'd look.

Anyways, back to prom dresses. I failed to find any that were even close to looking fantasy-ish, which was most disappointing. Nowadays it's all v-necks and slits riiiight up the front, which are both very unattractive to me. I'm determined to carry this moral streak on with me as I get older. I have a feeling that it's getting scarcer, and, since one of my self-made purposes in life is to be unique, I'm gonna dare to be different. Hoo-hah!

In other news, I absolutely love Tenth Avenue North's song "Healing Begins", I really want to go see Voyage of the Dawn Treader again, even though I've already seen it four times, and my newest goal is to purchase a copy of Rhindon for my wall since my room is surprisingly, horridly devoid of anything Narnian. Nothing new under the sun there. Hehe.

Keep it real.


In which I add more things to my bucket list.

I began a bucket list sometime in the middle of last year, which I just rediscovered a few moments ago. I know a few things that I really want to accomplish from it, and I figured what the hey. I'll blog some highlights.

ONE. I want to own a finch and a chinchilla. Sounds completely random, but when I saw a chinchilla for the first time at Petsmart, I took it upon myself to somehow acquire one someday. They are seriously ADOREABLE. I added the finch today, because they're just like the little birds who hop around in parking lots all the time, and I think they're super cute. The only problem with that is that they're very sociable, so I should wait on that one a while. My Beagle would go BONKERS.

TWO. I want to jump off the Sky Tower. I read about it before Prince Caspian came out, but then when I got the Illustrated Movie Companion and read about how Will and Skandar did it, I got all psyched. I've always loved a good adrenaline rush, but this one seriously has me excited. It's the tallest tower in the Southern Hemisphere, and I am going to leap off of it someday for sure!

THREE. I want to record a demo. Whether it goes anywhere or not is God's desicion, but I think it would be awesome to actually just record one.

FOUR. I would love to be able to travel to different global landmarks and photograph them. Among these are the Eiffel Tower, Mount Rushmore, the Leaning Tower, the London Eye, Cathedral Cove, and Big Ben. First I need to get a camera a little bit better than my Easy Share Kodak one... and a passport... ohhhh, and some money... but hey! A girl can dream.

FIVE. Visit sets of my favorite films. My first choice being Cathedral Cove in New Zealand, where the scene in which the Pevensies first arrive back into Narnia in Prince Caspian was shot. That is, without a doubt, one of the most beautiful places I've ever seen, and I would adore to be able to behold it in person.

Wow. Maybe a bucket list isn't such a bad idea after all.


In which I have, at long last, emerged from my epic battle with my computer victorious (and crave fungi).

Well, it took nearly all day, but I have finally triumphed over my computer. Now it's actually doing stuff the way it's supposed to now! *Happy dance*

Today during school I came across the word "pacifist", and it reminded me, once again, of the tragedy that is my lack of the Voyage of the Dawn Treader soundtrack. I have had the music that plays while Reep and Eustace are dueling on the deck stuck in my head for the past ten minutes, and, though I just realized that I can simply go find it on YouTube to listen to or something, it'd be nice to be able to just pop the CD in and give it a listen, ya know?

Which leads me to my discovery of the day: I am fascinated with albums. It's true. I got this really nice briefcase-type thing that stores up to three hundred sixty-something CDs in it for my birthday, and I happened to notice how empty it still is. I suppose that I've been taking such advantage of things like iTunes that I forgot the pride and joy of hunting down an album and buying it. I think that I'm going to start collecting albums instead of just buying MP3s. I'm going old-fashioned!

Even moreso old-fashioned, I've managed to uncover all of our old cassette tapes in the bottom of the game closet. Of course, I'll have a jolly time of trying to find a cassette player to actually give them a listen on, but I've found through a bit of nostalgia that they're an important part of my childhood, therefore I am going to make the attempt. I like finding things from when I was younger. It's like finding an autobiography of things you've forgotten.

My mom went out and bought a Family Game Night game for the Wii yesterday, and, so far, my younger sister has managed to beat me every time we play Clue, which my entire family and I find pretty humerous. I pulled off beating her at Life last night (in which I eloped with this dude who serendipitously looked strikingly like a certain adoreable Brit I know of, had one baby boy whom I dubbed Soren Lorenson, and enjoyed life in the lap of luxury in a 800,000 dollar mansion with two maids named Ivy and Margaret before retiring to Countryside Acres and collecting 5,000 big ones every time someone spun a "5"), but I suppose that digital board games are not my forte. Which is actually a good thing, because I have loads more fun playing and losing than I do winning, as you can probably tell, haha. Only the losers actually win.

I enjoy things with a backstory and personal meaning, so I have decided a specific time during which I will pray for Skandar every single day. I chose 4:05PM, and here is why:

London's time, where he lives, is five hours ahead of ours. So, at 4:05 here, it is 9:05 over there. Skandar was born on September 5th, otherwise known as 9/5. So, in conclusion, in order to pray for the rebirthing of a person, I've decided to pray for them on a time that reflects their physical birthday, so if anyone ever asks me why I pray at that specific time, I have this nifty little backstory to tell them. And, if I can get into the habit of it, and since some people put the day first, I'll pray twice a day, once at 4:05 (for 9:05) and then another at 12:09 (for 5:09). That would be TWICE as nifty!

And, as a final silly tidbit, I have renamed one of the shortcuts on my computer desktop to "Shortcut to Mushrooms", though it actually leads to my unused desktop shortcuts.

Mmm. I love mushrooms.


In which I realize that nothing that's worth anything is easy...including sleep.

I don't know what possessed me to think that I could outsmart technology, haha. I've been fighting with my computer non-stop for the past four hours! Hopefully that battle will be won soon.

So today (well, technically yesterday) I talked to my mom, and I am going to begin job-hunting the end of next month. Yaaay... and nay. I'm nervous. I've never had a job before. It's weird to think about me being an employee somewhere.

But on the bright side, it seems as though the tide has already turned with this whole pc battle thing. Huzzahness!

I haven't written a song in I don't know how long. Which is really weird for me. I mean, I wrote bits and pieces of things after Miranda died, but other than that, and the one full song I wrote for her, I haven't written a single word. I'm starting to miss writing, but I need inspiration before I just go scribbling all willy-nilly. Fortunately, I had a revelation in the shower this evening for a pretty nifty novel idea, which I'm excited to start working on. I'm going to make myself iron out the problems first and ultimately finish this one, since my procrastination has cheated me out of a few decent, creative ideas. I'm still working on my shorter project, but that seems to have grown into a larger one than I expected, so we'll see where that one goes! I love how I actually have time to do all of this. Ahh, the fruits of homeschooling.

I also just realized that I haven't played piano in a while either. Sheeeeesh. I'm a terrible musician.

It turns out that I only owed the library sixty cents, which I payed off today. I was scared that the mean lady with the beak-y nose would be working the check-out that I was in line for, but it was actually one of the sweet ones, thank GOD. The bird-lady scares me. The last time I payed a fine, she had this terrifying way of being all intimidating even though she was being quiet, looking down her pointy nose at me like I was some kind of ruffian. It was horrifying. I hate it when adults don't like me. I don't know why; I suppose I just like being liked. Anyways, if you saw her, you'd be really intimidated. And I guarantee it a little more than the Dufflepuds.

My knee hurts. Just thought I'd throw that out there. I'm trying to think of more things to say, but I've run out of semi-exciting things. OH. It's snowing, too. It's awful. I don't like snow, because it's usually accompanied by ice, which will be the death of me for SURE. I mean,


I kid you not. The deck gets super slippery when it rains alone, but when there's ICE? It's like a rectangular slippery patch of wooden DOOOOOOOOM. I really hate slipping all over the place. Falling isn't to comfy, either.

I have no idea why I'm rambling about ice, to be honest.

I think I need sleep.


In which I bombard you with many more silly Narnia pictures.

An afternoon/evening freebie. Sorry, Will... d;

More to be undoubtedly posted tomorrow night! (:

why yes, Lady Caroline of Rohan... this IS for you. ;D

In which I have stumbled across a rather nice photo.

Whilst on Google, I came across THIS piece of beauty...

...nuff said.

In which I celebrate celebrating by posting this poem I wrote a few months ago.

a prayer for open doors

Sleep evades my wandring eyes
For this thought there is no disguise
As rain pelts on my clear window
I feel my heart being tugged and towed
If I could reach across the sea
I'd pull you right over to me
We'd sit and talk as long as you'd like
With no one to blame and no reason to fight
I would speak the words that He gave me to say
And pray that they wouldn't drive you away
And then the next move would be yours
Run for cover, away to some distant shore
Where waves could wash the thought away
And sand and moon keep them at bay
Or would you take it all to heart
Take every word, pick it apart
Till there was nothing left to do
But surrender to the One who created you
This be my dream, this be my wish
As the moon meets the clouds in a midnight kiss
As I stare at the sky that we both share
And think about you, somewhere out there

God gave me these words one day while I was praying for someone dear to me whom I have never met, but pray that one day I will have the privilege of meeting in Heaven. May you come to know the Hope I know someday. (:

Stay legit.


In which I humbly present my "comic relief" pictures.

These are just two of them, but there will be more! Enjoy! ;D
PIC 1: In a desperate attempt to be the prettiest King in all of Narnia, a self-conscious Caspian resorts to violence when he suspects that Edmund may be prettier than him... poor Reepicheep has been unwillingly dragged into this mess, as he was the closest thing to Caspian when he wanted something to throw. Lucy tries to warn her brother, but it would seem that he's too busy smiling and, well, being pretty. Hopefully, for the sake of Ed's face, this isn't one of those "overzealous" moments Reep mentioned in Voyage of the Dawn Treader...
PIC 2: Skandar has found a new talent, and wants to put it to good use! But will it fly with the crew? Let's find out, starting with Andrew!
Stay fly till you die! (And even then too! :D)

In which I, at long last, FINALLY posted my Dawn Treader review to NarniaWeb.

Well, here it is! You can read it at this link:

I'm afraid that I rambled a bit about some things (particuarily Skandar as Edmund, haha) but hey, what can I say? I defend what I love. HENCE... review!

I started that "photo to describe your day" thing on Facebook today, except I'm aiming to do a photo every day for two years instead of one. Pretty ambitious, but we'll have to see!

My new fascination is making avatars for websites. You know, the little icons next to people's usernames that represent them? Yeah, those. Comment or slide me a message and let me know if you'd like me to post them on here for your visual and possibly using enjoyment! I don't do copyrights or anything, just as long as you point people my way if they ask where your avvie came from. Right now they're all pretty much Edmund themed (surprise, surprise), but I'm planning on doing more photographic ones soon. Er, not that Ed isn't photographic... just more things like sunsets and flowers and pretty stuff. Uhm, not that Ed isn't pretty... oi. I should probably just stop right here.

Speaking of photographic, I spent a good part of today trying to find a picture for the back of an album I'm working on. Do you have any clue how much of a shortage there is on Google Images for pics of glass hearts?! Well. Now I do. It seems as if I'm going to have to take one myself, which I didn't want to have to do. Lazy, lazy, lazy.

Though I didn't play piano today (sadness!!), I have managed to lose my lyric book, which devastates me just a little bit. I'm an eternal optimist, so I'm sure that it will turn up, since I know I haven't taken it out of the house, but I'm still missing it. It's my second one (my first is all filled up) so it has my most recent work in it. Fiddlesticks. I shall conduct a thorough search tomorrow, or otherwise send out an Amber Alert.

Shocker of all shockers, my mom has decided that she wants to get my younger sister, Hannah, a cat. Which is shocking only because she doesn't particuarily like cats. I spent another good part of today with Hannah on the computer researching different breeds so that we know what we're looking for. I learned about the breeds Ragdoll, Norwegian Forest, and American Curl. The breed name Ragdoll doesn't exactly appeal to me, but they're adoreable and super friendly. I personally think that the Norwegian Forest Cat sounds pretty kick-butt, but Hannah seems to see it as more cuddly than ninja. And I also think that the American Curl looks like a mouse, and told her that if she gets one of those she should name it Reepicheep, but that didn't seem to be a very popular vote. I suppose I'm too much of a Narniac for my own good! She did, however, decide that she wants a girl, and that it will be named Ariel, which I agreed with since it means "God's lioness". That's a pretty honorable name meaning for a cat! (One of the things we both agreed on when it came to names was that having a small house cat named Aslan would be a pretty huge offense to the True King of Narnia. That's just about the only thing we agreed on, come to think of it, haha.)

I also learned that cat is "gatto" in Italian. No idea why. I just did. I'm going to learn Italian next year, for my last year of school. It's surreal to think that in a few months time, I'll be doing senior pictures and getting my class ring. I can't wait to graduate. I have no plans for university, though my dream since I was little would be to go abroad to Cambridge. There was a girl at my old church in Pennsylvania that studied there, and I told my mom that I wanted to go there too, cause I thought it was awesome that she got to furter her education outside of the country. Nowadays, I highly doubt that that will happen, so I think I'll start somewhere local and let my dreams shrink to reality-size a bit. Plus, I have no idea what I'm going to study...

Seems as though I have a lot to mull over, eh?

Stay legit.


In which I discover that I'm terribly easily distracted when I'm trying to fill in answers about giant pandas.

It's a school thing. School should perish.

So... 2011 is upon us. It's weird. I keep thinking ahead, like this year is gonna fly by like last year did. I'm doing alright with my first ever resolution, which I'm proud of myself for, a feat that doesn't happen often. Piano's going great too; I taught myself how to play Miracle by Paramore the other day. Yay!

I think I'm going to attempt the video thing again. (I know, I know, I've been saying that for a year, but I'm reeeally gonna try my hardest, honest!)

I did something last week, haha. My pop visited from Pennsylvania, and he took my younger sister and I out shopping. And... well...

I bought myself a shiny silver torch for $13.95 at Target. It's amazing. And bright. And takes these massive batteries that are wayyyy too fun to juggle. I wouldn't recommend shining it in your own eyes. I walked around with these spots in a circle bursting in front of my eyes for about two hours. Not the smartest thing I've ever done... Edmund makes it look easy.

On a sadder note, I am now in trouble with the law. Yep, you read that right. I accidentally kept my library books out longer than I was supposed to, and now have a fine of approximately one dollar and ten cents to pay up next time I go to the library. Wow. They must think I'm completely off my rock for keeping the Prince Caspian Movie Storybook and The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe Illustrated Movie Companion four days later than I should.

The things I do for Narnia.

Stay legit.
