In which I realize that nothing that's worth anything is easy...including sleep.

I don't know what possessed me to think that I could outsmart technology, haha. I've been fighting with my computer non-stop for the past four hours! Hopefully that battle will be won soon.

So today (well, technically yesterday) I talked to my mom, and I am going to begin job-hunting the end of next month. Yaaay... and nay. I'm nervous. I've never had a job before. It's weird to think about me being an employee somewhere.

But on the bright side, it seems as though the tide has already turned with this whole pc battle thing. Huzzahness!

I haven't written a song in I don't know how long. Which is really weird for me. I mean, I wrote bits and pieces of things after Miranda died, but other than that, and the one full song I wrote for her, I haven't written a single word. I'm starting to miss writing, but I need inspiration before I just go scribbling all willy-nilly. Fortunately, I had a revelation in the shower this evening for a pretty nifty novel idea, which I'm excited to start working on. I'm going to make myself iron out the problems first and ultimately finish this one, since my procrastination has cheated me out of a few decent, creative ideas. I'm still working on my shorter project, but that seems to have grown into a larger one than I expected, so we'll see where that one goes! I love how I actually have time to do all of this. Ahh, the fruits of homeschooling.

I also just realized that I haven't played piano in a while either. Sheeeeesh. I'm a terrible musician.

It turns out that I only owed the library sixty cents, which I payed off today. I was scared that the mean lady with the beak-y nose would be working the check-out that I was in line for, but it was actually one of the sweet ones, thank GOD. The bird-lady scares me. The last time I payed a fine, she had this terrifying way of being all intimidating even though she was being quiet, looking down her pointy nose at me like I was some kind of ruffian. It was horrifying. I hate it when adults don't like me. I don't know why; I suppose I just like being liked. Anyways, if you saw her, you'd be really intimidated. And I guarantee it a little more than the Dufflepuds.

My knee hurts. Just thought I'd throw that out there. I'm trying to think of more things to say, but I've run out of semi-exciting things. OH. It's snowing, too. It's awful. I don't like snow, because it's usually accompanied by ice, which will be the death of me for SURE. I mean,


I kid you not. The deck gets super slippery when it rains alone, but when there's ICE? It's like a rectangular slippery patch of wooden DOOOOOOOOM. I really hate slipping all over the place. Falling isn't to comfy, either.

I have no idea why I'm rambling about ice, to be honest.

I think I need sleep.



Lady Caroline of Rohan said...

All I can say after I read this post is: OH MY GOSH! Ack-chellay, I can say a lot more than that; get ready for a long comment. It is scary how much you are like me.
1. I'm homeschooled and love having the time for my creative juices to spill over the piano, laptop, or paper.
2. One of my plans for the 2011 is to get a job for the first time.
3. I don't like scary mean librarians.
4. I have revalations in the shower all the time.
5. I write stories, but have yet to develop my biggest ideas.
6. I play piano and write songs.
7. I don't like snow either and it is snowing at my house this very moment.
8. I stay up late on my laptop.

Meg, you're like the older sister I never had. :)
I'm sorry about Miranda. Who was she? Is she the one whose picture you have posted on the side bar?

the other Pevensie girl said...

Hahahaha, I could only smile while I was reading your comment. :D That is so awesome!! It's nice to know that I'm not the only "insane" person out there. (;
Yep, she was a girl in my youth group who was always super sweet to me, and always made an effort to say hi. She committed suicide the day after Christmas. /: It affected the entire community, and it's one of the hardest things I've ever had to face, but God is really getting all of us through it, which is SUCH a blessing. I have no idea what I'd do without Him! (:

Lady Caroline of Rohan said...

Dear me, that's terrible. I'm sorry. I'll pray for His continuing comfort.

Lady Caroline of Rohan said...

Oh gosh, I just realized something; she was born precisely seven days before me. It's weird; you never really consider someone your own age passing away. Or at least, I never do. Life is tough, but we'll get through.

the other Pevensie girl said...

Thanks so much for the kind words, they're MUCH appreciated! (: I know what you mean, it's odd to think about it, but I know that she's happy and without pain now, so that makes it easier to bear. (:

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