This is what I live for. (And no, I don’t mean “toastie”. (;)
Okay, so while catching up from my three-week absence, I noticed that Kellie mentioned wishing that you could get The Call by Regina Spektor without having to purchase the entire Prince Caspian album. So it hit me that, if I get the proper plugin for Windows Live Writer, I can probably upload the MP3 that I have on my iTunes and, thus, make the world a more musical place. So, if this works right, you should be able to right-click the text below and say “Save target as…” or something of that nature, and then save it and open it with iTunes or whichever music media base that you use and VOILA!
And if this does not work, I’ll have to weep. (Probably not, but it’ll be a bummer, haha.)
DBF out!
(Oh, and lest I forget... I believe that it was Caroline who mentioned a few posts ago wishing that keyboards had a music note key. In a way, they do. You just have to hold in the "ALT" key, then type "14" (without the quotation marks -- just 14) on the numeric pad on the right side of the keyboard, and a music note appears! It's the same with "13" as well. Observe: ♪♫. :D You can do that with a ton of other number combinations, too (well over a hundred, if I remember correctly)... I'll put a grid below.)
alt + 1 = ☺
alt + 2 = ☻
3 = ♥
4 = ♦
5 = ♣
6 = ♠
7 = •
8 = ◘
9 = ○
10 = ◙
11 = ♂
12 = ♀
13 = ♪
14 = ♫
15 = ☼
16 = ►
17 = ◄
18 = ↕
19 = ‼
20 = ¶
21 = §
22 = ▬
23 = ↨ (same as 18)
24 = ↑
25 = ↓
26 = →
27 = ←
28 = ∟
29 = ↔
30 = ▲
31 = ▼
32 = (space)
33 = !
34 = "
35 = #
36 = $
37 = %
(and I believe from here on out it's standard keyboard symbols and the alphabet/numeric alphabet. Pretty nifty, hu? (:)
Just wanted to let you know, my happiness with life has been increased by this information about my keyboard having the ability to make music note emoticons. Sweeeet!
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