In which Megan is feeling so melodious, but has no way of expressing it.

The trickiest part about sharing a piano in your sister’s bedroom is that at ten o’clock at night when she’s getting ready for sleep, one does not simply walk into Mordor her room and play her piano. *sigh*. I’ll just keep dreaming, then. (:

OH MY GOSH I HAVE MISSED BLOGGING!! So much has been happening, it’s insane.

Well, first off, my computer is being such a pain that I have begun the tedious task of trying to save up for a laptop. The one I have my eye on is $500, but I’m sure that if I keep up chores and such, I’ll be able to get one before I’m 20. (; I think what I’m most looking forward to about this is the blu-ray capability, and if I get a certain bundle, I can pick two free blu-rays to go with it. Can you say “Percy Jackson/Alice In Wonderland/Voyage of the Dawn Treader in BR HD”? I do think so. :D

Second off, I am addicted to Mario Kart. Short and to the point, yes, but if I start going I probably won’t stop. >:D

Third off, I’m working on convincing my mom that if we don’t somehow make it to the Narnia Exhibit in Kentucky, I might not make it to see 18. So far not so hot, considering we’re trying to make sure that we can pay for vacation ‘11 and whatnot, but I’ll just keep my fingers crossed for that one. If not, hopefully it will stop by Virginia one of these times!

Fourth off, my sisters and I may very well be going to a midnight showing of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part Two in compensation of my family dragging me to see Breaking Dawn at midnight in November (or is it December?). (Despite Harry and Peter’s frequent feuds, I am ack-chellay a big fan of the Harry Potter series. And, though both parties insist that I should pick a side and stick with it, I refuse to side with just one or the other lest I start the biggest Narnian/wizarding war there ever shall be, even though my loyalty so obviously lies with the Narnians.) Okay, not really in compensation, but I’m not exactly an overwhelmingly huge fan of vampires that sparkle and adult werewolves that fall in love with babies. AWKWARDNESS. Just saying. So I’m hoping that this will null the blech-ness of having to go to that at the end of this year, so that if anyone happens to ask me, “Hey Megan, didja see any good movies this year?”, I can answer, “Why yes I did. I went to see Harry Potter at midnight.” and not have only Breaking Dawn as my answer.

Fifth off, I won’t be going to Summer Camp at my church next month, or the mission trip to Italy, so that will give me the entire month of July free; PLENTY of time to work on all of the videos that I’ve displayed in my Summer 2011 trailer. YAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAY. I’ve missed doing that so much, you have no idea.

Sixth off, I may or may not be out of the state all next week, so I more than likely won’t be posting much. If I do, I’ll try to take some pictures of where I grew up to share. I happen to love it. (:

Seventh off, I hope you’ve got your thinking caps on, because in the first video that I’ll be posting (which I’ll attempt to edit this weekend because I’ll be gone next week), you’ll have to guess WHICH PERSON IS ME! >:D (I feel so evil right now, it’s ridiculous.)

And finally, I’ve been making quite a dent in my summer reading list with the Percy Jackson & the Olympians series (AWESOME books, just finished them all!), and this series that my older sister suggested to me, which I have yet to start: A Great and Terrible Beauty, Rebel Angels, and The Sweet Far Thing, all by Libba Bray. I’m less-than-patiently awaiting the release of Forever, which is the third and last in the Wolves of Mercy Falls series by Maggie Stiefvater, which I happen to love. (I’m not usually into the new age werewolf nonsense, but, as far as those sorts of stories go, these are pretty decent). I’m really hoping that I don’t run out of books before the summer is over! As far as movies go, as I said, hopefully HP at midnight is in my future, and my older sister and I are keeping up a tradition and going to see the new Transformers movie when it comes out. We’ve gone to see the first two and loved them, so this one had better be just as good! Unfortunately other than that, it probably won’t be a very theatrical summer for Megan. I’m still trying to convince my sister to take me to see Pirates of the Caribbean, but it’s not looking like that’s gonna happen. d:

Well, I hope that you guys are having a fantastic week so far! (:

DBF out!


Caroline said...

*gasp* There's a Narnia exhibit in Kentucky!? I'll have to look it up. That would be too cool if we could meet up at one sometime. I sympathize about vacation money, though. It's such a big world; so little time and funds.
I've missed your videos more than you've missed making them. Can't wait!
What a coincidence! "The Titan's Curse" is in my lap as I read this. I started the Percy Jackson series Tuesday, I think, of last week, and haven't been able to put them down! (Who says they're for middle schoolers? They're for anyone who likes adventure!) Of course, they make the movie look pretty bad, but hey, it does have Logan and Jake going for it. Which is pretty nice, eh? ;D
Vampires and wizzards (except for Gandalf and Merlin) are not on my "mom-will-letcha-watch list", but tell me about them afterwards; I'm sure they're exciting. Wizzards, that is. Pirates, luckily, are on the said list, and let me tell you, you must "go to the cinema, yeah" and see Pirates 4! It is awesome!
And you may want to watch your evil back; if this "which one is Megan" proves too much torture, I may be forced to retaliate with another, even more perplexing crowd picture with me. Seussical is coming up. Don't say I didn't warn you. ;P
And by the way, I hope your life is going swimmingly. *hugs and love*

Caroline said...

Looks like long comments are becoming stylish again XD

the other Pevensie girl said...

Y'know, I've seriously considered the prospect of serendipitously meeting at a Narnia event or something haha. A-MEN about the funds... my mom's really determined though, so I think it'll be alright in the end.

Haha, wanna bet? (:<

Wahaha, aren't they awesome? Thankfully, my sister owns all the books, so I didn't have to fight my fellow library-goers for them. And they keep getting better, too, which is awesome. Yeah, it really did bother me how much they changed The Lightning Thief cause the book was so great. Ahh yes, I suppose that makes up for it's lack of adaption perfection. (x

You're not really missing out with vampires, but I'll be happy to go into full-blown detail about wizards! I'll attempt to give a clear, spoiler-free analysis when we've seen the movie. AHHHH now I want to see Pirates even more! I need to get driving for goodness sake. >:l haha

Although it'll probably be pretty easy to guess which one is me, I'm afraid. I'll have to see what I can cook up to confuse! And don't you worry... I'll emerge crowd picture champion if you follow up on this scandalous act you speak of! (By the by, the word "scandalous" is quite distracting. I do hope I'm not the only one who thinks this. (;)

Thank ye kindly, my fellow DBF! Happy times are indeed ahead! (: *right back at ya haha*

(And yes, I do think that long comments are trending on here once again! :D)

Caroline said...

I hold your hope fulfilled. The word "scandalous" calls to my mind a certain pair of brown eyes shadowed by dark hair. Distracting? You bet. >;D

Kellie Ann Cassel said...

AHHHHH! I was really mad because all of my friends were going to the opening Imax, midnight showing of HP when I would be at the lake. (Don't get me wrong I love the lake) SO I was really sad, then I found out there's a theater only 20 minutes away from our cabin so I can still see it too! XD

I'm very proud of you Meg for doing so much summer reading. I've done more writing then reading this summer so far. Been very busy.

And I agree. Vamps and Wolves aren't anything special.

I wish I could post a which one is Kellie picture. I'm the only one on my soccer team with glasses (even though I don't where them when I play) my youth group wouldn't be any better, I'm the only tall blonde. :P

You sound like you guys are having such great summers! :) If my DBF's are happy then I'm happy!

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