In which I underestimate the power of having too many programs running at once and crave churros.

Figures; the moment in which I finally have a moment or two to update the ol’ blog is right before we get hit by a tropical storm and face the prospect of losing power for several days. (However, that’s probably worst case scenario, thus hopefully unlikely. Aha, the optimism lives on!)

So I’ll just have to make sure I cover everything I can in this post!

Needless to say, my family and I aren’t making it to the beach tomorrow, haha. Which really stinks, but at least we may or may not be able to salvage a day or two, or else just go to Busch Gardens for a day or something to compensate. Right now we’re just trying to make sure that we’re prepared for whatever is going to happen over the next few days.

In musical news, I have, at long last, made it to my next songwriting milestone: 250 songs! *party poppers, wild dancing, and other celebratory means ensue* That’s pretty big for me. I may bake myself a little cake or something to celebrate. (Even though, technically, I made it to that mark about 21 and a half songs ago. Details, details. d:) Piano is going pretty well too, and I finally broke down and took my new strings off of my guitar to put the two old ones back on (which I’m pretty sure you’re not really supposed to do, but the new ones had the opposite of the sound I was going for, and I like to stick with what I know works for me). Thankfully, I’ve been getting a lot more writing done on it since.

Okay, you may think that I’m crazy, but I seriously can’t wait for school to start again. *hides behind nearby pillow*. I’m not completely sure why; I guess I just miss having a regular, structured day where I don’t have to wake up and wonder what I’m going to do with myself for the next 12 hours, haha. It could also be that I’m seriously jazzed over this being my last year of school…that’s been known to excite a person.

In literary news, I have successfully taken a bazillion (okay, okay, 14) books out of the library, and yet, I find myself curling up with the Diary of a Wimpy Kid books that my little sister requested. Somehow, I feel as though I am enjoying these more than I (at my age) should. Oh well. I’m a little kid at heart! They’re super easy reads, but perfect if you need a smile. The movies are great too: there’s a lot of light humour, and it impresses me that the younger cast is actually good at acting, which you don’t see a whole lot nowadays. And, well, it helps out a bit that I find the guy who plays Rodrick quite attractive, to be honest.

In cinematic news, I haven’t been to the movies since Harry Potter, which is pretty depressing, haha. I guess I’ve just gotta take a deep breath and wait until my older sister and I can go and see The Three Musketeers. (What was I just saying about attractive young men just now…? (;)

In editing news, WIndows Movie Maker has decided to not allow me to save anything that I work on, so, until I can remedy this rather irritating stumbling block, I’m going to have to once again mehhhh postpone everything that I’ve been trying to accomplish on there this entire summer. Arf. Between that and Irene, this is going to be quite a weekend!

In traveling, as is normal, the most I’ve been around the past month or so has been around my house lol. I can’t wait to start driving for real, so I can start going places. :D

And now I believe that we are running out one last time before these storms hit. Hope that all is well with you guys! My next post may at the earliest be in a day or so, and at the latest in a week, but I’ll see what I can do. So, until then…

DBF out!

P.S. --- A little while back, I revisited our first conversations on NarniaWeb; turns out the day that we “met” was the day after my birthday! (: Just a quick fun fact for ya!


Caroline said...

Luv ya Princess Positive! I'll be hoping and praying the storm won't hit too hard. Sorry about all your postponements.
250!? That's awesome! Lol, 21 and a half...I can relate. ;)
I also know what you mean about school; it seems like every August, I catch myself getting impatient for fall and school. And I try to reason with myself ("what are you thinking? you'll be aching for summer by november!) but reason doesn't always win with me. This shall be my last year as well! And after that, it's off to college.
Hehehe, kids' books can be pretty good. (And yes, he is rather cute ;)) I've ack-chellay never read nor seen Diary of a Wimpy Kid. Ya got me curious now.
Orlando and Logan, all in one, heck yes!
Sorry to say this, but I hate your Windows Movie Maker right now. Argh, I gotta quit being a hater, it won't get me anywhere... I hope Windows Movie Maker kindly cooperates from now on. That's better.
That's so cool about when we "met." Which post was that?

Kellie Ann Cassel said...

I must applaud you for your great feat with songwriting, here it is. *clap clap clappidy clap. I can't wait to read or hear some of them :) It's an amazing talent, music and songwriting. For me it would just be a fail haha.
I'm also excited for school to start, I enjoy being in the school building. Although I could do without the bullies and horrid cafeteria food. I often wonder what a day for school is like for you guys, I wouldn't be able to stand my mum trying to teach me though. haha but I bet you guys have better experiences :) I'm a bit nervous for the career center though, I tend to get shy about those sorts of things. Hopefully I can make some really good friends who have the same interests as me.
I LOVE the diary of a wimpy kid series. They are so charming and keep your interest. I agree with your opinion on Rodrick, actually my neighbor kinda resembles him a bit haha. Wow that's wierd come to think of it.
I wish we could all go see 3 Musketeers together. Someday we'll have to watch all our favorite films in a marathon. Narnia, LOTR, Harry Potter, ect. And may I say, Logan looked pretty darn nice in that photo I posted :)
I can't wait until our year anniversery when my mom will finally let me give you my facebook, and maybe phone number. Although I don't have texting. But I guess we'll just have to make do until then. (sorry for the long comment)

Kellie Ann Cassel said...


Caroline said...

I miss you Megan!!! I hope you're okay!

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