But it's all good. My older sister uses this stuff and says that it works, soooo... we shall see!
Today was a good day. My mom let me shift my school day to tomorrow so that we could go shopping. I got two shirts for ten bucks at Target... ahh, clearance rack. The only thing I like about shopping is seeing those little red stickers on tags. Makes me feel like a smart shopper.
I've been working most of earlier today on creating album cover art in order to become more organized when it comes to my music. Just say the word and I'll post one or two of them on here!
Whoops, gotta go get this stuff off.
HUZZAH. I can feel my face again.
I also got a Throwback Mountain Dew while we were out. Not sure how, but it tastes different. But in a good way. It may become my new addiction... that is, if Fanta wasn't so darn tasty.
Mmm. Fanta.
On a final note, I can't stop rubbing my face (it's really smooth now), so I'm sorta freaking myself out, and I had a dream last night about Miles The Magnificent Memory Machine (for anyone who has played The Haunted Carousel Nancy Drew PC game... you know exactly what I mean).
DBF out!
I use pro activ too, and it works great. Glad you can feel your face again, lol. And yes please post the cover art! I'd love to see it. :)
Wow I've never tried Proactive, I use this off brand stuff but it works well enough. I would love to see the cover art, I made some for a friend once. My friend Taylor, (who looks like Taylor Swift) has some videos of her singing up on YouTube, so maybe she might need help sometimes. You guys are so lucky you are homeschooled when it comes to shifting the scedual. I have the MME tomorrow and I can't get out of it haha :) See ya!
Oh cool! It's the first time I had used it, and I was surprised and pleased with the improvement.
That sounds awesome! If I may ask, what is the link to her channel? I'd love to check her singing out. Oh, don't I know it! Every time I even think about complaining, I recall that if I were in public school, how early I'd have to wake up... I'm not exactly a morning person most of the time, haha. What's the MME? I almost feel like I should know the answer to this.
And thanks so much for the support! It really means a lot to me that you are interested in my less than amazing creativity skills, haha. I love you guys!!
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