In which I should be reading about the Civil War, but decided to catch up on blogging instead.

AhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhHHHHHHH, I did it again. I've really gotta get better at this whole blogging thing.
The coffeehouse was this past Saturday, and it was AWESOME! I wish we would do more things like that throughout the year. That'd be so much fun! I really enjoyed doing musical stuff with my sisters, seeing as we don't get to do much stuff together anymore.
My younger sister's birthday was yesterday, and it was a BLAST! Our whole family and my older sister's boyfriend went mini-golfing, got frozen yogurt, and then came home and watched Percy Jackson. Pretty amazing day for a very amazing girl. Love you Pookie!!
Every Wednesday I have a vocal lesson at my church, and this week, my teacher asked me to play something original for her. I did, and she told me that she wants me to come to a songwriter's conference in St. Louis in October. I'm getting really excited at the thought of being in a room with a few dozen people who can't sit and watch a film or read a book without writing a song based off of something they saw or heard, haha. Now if only I can master the finer art of playing the piano and singing at the same time... THAT will be an accomplishment!
And lastly, my prayers go out to the family and friends of Perry Moore (producer for all three Narnia films). I
was extremely saddened to hear that he had passed away. RIP!
DBF out!


Caroline said...

I'm glad the coffehouse thing went well. And that is really cool abou the songwriter's convention. I know what you mean about singing and piano playing; I actually played and sang a song I wrote at church last Sunday night, and...well, let's just say it was pretty sloppy. But it's a small church, and no one there had ever heard me play before, and many didn't know I played, and they all liked it. So it wasn't the most horrific thing ever. I would love to read or hear some of your songs, but I understand if you don't feel comfortable doing it. And, finally, tell your sister I said happy late birthday! :)

Kellie Ann Cassel said...

Congrat's on the conference. That must be really exciting :) Now, if only I could be invited to a film-making conference lol. Tell your little sis happy birthday for me. And I know how hard it is to play and sing, for me it's a fail. But I'm not one for singing anyway, and because of your love for songwriting I'm sure you'll pick it up just fine :) Good luck!

the other Pevensie girl said...

Lady Caroline - Me too! Oh that sounds really neat! Yeah, I get what you mean - today I played and sang for my vocal teacher, and it was terribly patchy at some points d: but I'm sure that you were terrific anyways. I have full confidence in you, friend! (: Once I get my camera to agree with me, I'd be delighted to upload a video of some of my piano riffs or something to share with you and Queen Elizabeth. That would be awesome!

Queen Elizabeth - Thank you! It is; I can't wait for it! Haha, someday you'll be in credits, I just know it! (: Thanks again for the support, you and Lady Caroline sure know how to make my night! :D

the other Pevensie girl said...

Oh, and I completely forgot to put this in there too, haha... my little sis says a huge thanks for the birthday wishes! She was very grateful that you guys thought of her. (:

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