And why am I doing so, you may ask?
Today marks the day that I have written my 201st song! Which is a pretty big milestone for me. Going back through all the songs I've written in the past two and a half years and seeing how they've grown along with me is pretty crazy. I can now withstand the embarassing tidbits that were my first lyrics (ugh, they will not ever be recorded if I have a say in it, haha) because of the few that I am exceptionally proud of (for example, the one I wrote for my little sister, or one of my personal favorites, a letter to my favorite fictional character of all time). Perhaps this will warrant a honest attempt at recording (via video) one or two of them tomorrow to share on here? It's possible!
I began reading A Midsummer Night's Dream today. I'll be honest; Shakespeare is not my cup of tea, but this one actually has me interested. I haven't made it that far into it, though, so the verdict is still out. It helps a bit though that my sister caught glimpse of the name "Lysander" and told me she thought it said "Skandar". Very distracting from the plot, but helpful to the imagination.
ALSO, my glasses came in today. So after I was finished school, we ran to Wal*Mart and picked them up. It was strange to have them on at first, but I've already gotten used to them. (It's easy to get used to being able to read stuff that once was blurry!)
And now, to conclude, one of the most adoreable things I have ever seen. (The text that was added is a bit of a nuisance, but it can be easily overlooked. (;)

DBF out!
Precious! (typo?)
HOLY MACKEREL! 201 songs?!!! You are amazing. I would love to read or better yet hear some of them. I'm working on song 19, having started songwriting late 2009. Most of them, I don't really like, but, as I've said before, I'm really self critical.
Ah, A Midsummer Night's Dream; how much rather wouldst I read thee than this dire King Leer! (Let me be a warning to you, Shakespeare can rub off on readers.) I've read a story form of MND, and loved it. I've read the play form of Julius Caesar, Twelfth Night, Hamlet, and, last but not least, Romeo and Juliet. Now I'm one scene into Lear. I've been surprised at how, well, not easy, but undifficult it's been for me. Keep reading; MND is pretty good.
Oh, sleeping angel! Don't you wish you could just reach out and touch him? Skandar is "my PRECIOUS!" xD
Oh don't go all Gollum on Skandar! haha just kidding ;) His nose up like that makes him look a little odd, but still adorable <3
I've only read Romeo and Juliet, and I though the whole premise of two lovers killing themselves for each other after two and a half days of knowing each other doesn't make sense... but hey that's life. Or is it?
No, it's not really life; well, maybe way back in the 1600s in a romantic country like Italy. I think the reason I liked it is because it's romance, and there wasn't much of that back in those days. Girls were married young to guys their parents pickeed out. Yuck. Juliet, however, did not, though she payed for it.
From whatever angle, Skandar is adaorable (though I agree about the nose thing). And I'm not completely Gollum; I still share (for now...xD)
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