But I try to make the best of stuff, so this'll do for now!
The positive response for my self-made album art was quite humbling, to say the least! First off, I should probably explain one thing: though I am (currently) the only person in my "band", so to speak, I still have a name. It took three band name changes, but I've finally decided on "less than three", typed as all one word to make it a little more unique. (Type aless than symbol and then a three and you'll see why!) Lots of people think it's because it's only me, and I'm obviously less than three people, haha.
Anyways, I digress. Here are my three favorites!

Okay, I know that I said three and there are four images here. But the third is a jacket to the fourth one. (The plan is for that one to have a standard version and a deluxe version. You're looking at the deluxe.)
There are so many stories behind all of them. First off, the first image, Initially, is completely made of solo piano music. Each track on the album is named after a person's initials who have made some sort of impact on my life, positive or negative. (Some of which are displayed in overlay text on the cover. Thank God for Picnik!)
The second one is completely made up of songs I've written for non-believers. One of my biggest passions is for people who don't believe there is a God. (The politically correct term for this would be "atheist". It's one of the reasons learning of Skandar's beliefs moved me as much as it did.) The text around the border is Matthew 7:7 four times, which is the heart and soul of where all the songs on it came from. It was the first album I completed, with the exception of recording it.
And finally, the third and fourth are for, you guessed it, an album dedicated to my favorite series of books in all the world. (They'd be my favorite books of all time, except the Bible definitely comes before!) You may notice that the word "just" on the jacket is capitalized. In the insert (I, erm, haven't exactly gotten THAT creative yet, haha) the words gentle, valiant, and magnificent are all used at least once, and capitalized. This one's pretty much an easter egg hunt all of it's own, haha. The fourth image is probably the most I've fought with myself in deciding on font and color (and a few other things... Edmund was WAY too tan, so I had to take a whitening effect to his face!), and it may not be final, but that's how it is for now!
I take constructive criticism, so don't hesitate to comment!
Perhaps the only frustrating thing about all of this is that I was going to surprise you by recording a song or two on my camera (since I am sadly devoid of recording equipment at this present time), but it has decided to cease to transfer videos from my camera to my computer. So until I can either A: Acquire someone else's camera for a minute or two, or B: Figure out a way to get them onto my PC, my surprise that's no longer a surprise is on temporary hold. Ahh well. There's always tomorrow.
DBF out!
These are great! I love the first one, and the others are beautiful too :) <3 nice!!!
I really wish I could hear your music! :) haha, and I'll try to post links to my friend's videos soon. I know she plays guitar, and she's teaching herself piano.
It's so cool how you have your own little "group" so to speak. And when you become famous some day, you can pick up some more group members and blast the sound! haha :)
Thank you sooo much!! It really encourages me to have such awesome support, you have no idea. (:
Sweet, I'll be sure to check that out! I wish I could play guitar, but it's hard to teach oneself to play such an instrument when it currently only has two strings on it. d: haha
Thanks again so incredibly much! Haha, that is the plan! But if not, hey... at least I'll always know who my number one fans are. (;
The third one just screams epic! These look so professional; I don't believe I can offer any criticism, constructive or not!
Oh! I always like having things to look forward to; right now I've got four: Christ's return, VDT on DVD, Pirates 4, and Meg's music. You're really computer smart, so I'm sure you'll have it all worked out shortly.
Thank you, thank you! I don't think I can say it enough, haha. (:
Wow, I am honored to be amongst such amazing things to look forward to! I believe I'll go and joust my camera once more today.
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