In which I wish that there was more to snack on in my house besides vanilla sandwich cookies.

But I try to make the best of stuff, so this'll do for now!

The positive response for my self-made album art was quite humbling, to say the least! First off, I should probably explain one thing: though I am (currently) the only person in my "band", so to speak, I still have a name. It took three band name changes, but I've finally decided on "less than three", typed as all one word to make it a little more unique. (Type aless than symbol and then a three and you'll see why!) Lots of people think it's because it's only me, and I'm obviously less than three people, haha.

Anyways, I digress. Here are my three favorites!

Okay, I know that I said three and there are four images here. But the third is a jacket to the fourth one. (The plan is for that one to have a standard version and a deluxe version. You're looking at the deluxe.)

There are so many stories behind all of them. First off, the first image, Initially, is completely made of solo piano music. Each track on the album is named after a person's initials who have made some sort of impact on my life, positive or negative. (Some of which are displayed in overlay text on the cover. Thank God for Picnik!)

The second one is completely made up of songs I've written for non-believers. One of my biggest passions is for people who don't believe there is a God. (The politically correct term for this would be "atheist". It's one of the reasons learning of Skandar's beliefs moved me as much as it did.) The text around the border is Matthew 7:7 four times, which is the heart and soul of where all the songs on it came from. It was the first album I completed, with the exception of recording it.

And finally, the third and fourth are for, you guessed it, an album dedicated to my favorite series of books in all the world. (They'd be my favorite books of all time, except the Bible definitely comes before!) You may notice that the word "just" on the jacket is capitalized. In the insert (I, erm, haven't exactly gotten THAT creative yet, haha) the words gentle, valiant, and magnificent are all used at least once, and capitalized. This one's pretty much an easter egg hunt all of it's own, haha. The fourth image is probably the most I've fought with myself in deciding on font and color (and a few other things... Edmund was WAY too tan, so I had to take a whitening effect to his face!), and it may not be final, but that's how it is for now!

I take constructive criticism, so don't hesitate to comment!

Perhaps the only frustrating thing about all of this is that I was going to surprise you by recording a song or two on my camera (since I am sadly devoid of recording equipment at this present time), but it has decided to cease to transfer videos from my camera to my computer. So until I can either A: Acquire someone else's camera for a minute or two, or B: Figure out a way to get them onto my PC, my surprise that's no longer a surprise is on temporary hold. Ahh well. There's always tomorrow.

DBF out!

In which I blog to pass the time while I have Proactiv on my face.


But it's all good. My older sister uses this stuff and says that it works, soooo... we shall see!

Today was a good day. My mom let me shift my school day to tomorrow so that we could go shopping. I got two shirts for ten bucks at Target... ahh, clearance rack. The only thing I like about shopping is seeing those little red stickers on tags. Makes me feel like a smart shopper.

I've been working most of earlier today on creating album cover art in order to become more organized when it comes to my music. Just say the word and I'll post one or two of them on here!

Whoops, gotta go get this stuff off.

HUZZAH. I can feel my face again.

I also got a Throwback Mountain Dew while we were out. Not sure how, but it tastes different. But in a good way. It may become my new addiction... that is, if Fanta wasn't so darn tasty.

Mmm. Fanta.

On a final note, I can't stop rubbing my face (it's really smooth now), so I'm sorta freaking myself out, and I had a dream last night about Miles The Magnificent Memory Machine (for anyone who has played The Haunted Carousel Nancy Drew PC game... you know exactly what I mean).

DBF out!

In which I thank God for Safari.

Which has let me access my long lost Picnik! Now I can get back to editing photos, teehee. *evil grin*

Well, to be honest, there hasn't been much going on, haha. I worked the Media desk on Sunday during youth (which was basically just clicking a few things for the projector, but I love it nonetheless). That's... about as exciting as my week has gotten!

BUT. I do have a discovery.

Thanks to the advice of one of my dear blogging friends, I have decided that Friday is going to be technical questions day here on my blog. I'll put a post up, and comments will serve as a technology Q & A, seeing as that is one of the few things I have knowledge on.

OH, WAAAAIT. I do indeed have an exciting thing coming up. My sisters and I are going to go see Beastly the day it comes out. I'm pretty excited for that, seeing as our last sister movie night was when Harry Potter came out last November. It looks like a really good movie too; my older sister took the book out of the library not too long ago and she told me that it was very well done.

And speaking of... my family and I are going to surprise her on her birthday this year with tickets to the broadway version of Beauty and the Beast, since it's her favorite love story of all time.

Haha. I love it how I started writing this post, wracking my brain for something new and exciting going on in my life, and SKA-BAMMMM. A zillion things come to mind. Oh, life. Never a dull moment.

Anyways, the other things will have to wait. I've got a bit of inspiration, and a whole lotta Picnik-ing to do!

DBF out!

In which I should be reading about the Civil War, but decided to catch up on blogging instead.

AhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhHHHHHHH, I did it again. I've really gotta get better at this whole blogging thing.
The coffeehouse was this past Saturday, and it was AWESOME! I wish we would do more things like that throughout the year. That'd be so much fun! I really enjoyed doing musical stuff with my sisters, seeing as we don't get to do much stuff together anymore.
My younger sister's birthday was yesterday, and it was a BLAST! Our whole family and my older sister's boyfriend went mini-golfing, got frozen yogurt, and then came home and watched Percy Jackson. Pretty amazing day for a very amazing girl. Love you Pookie!!
Every Wednesday I have a vocal lesson at my church, and this week, my teacher asked me to play something original for her. I did, and she told me that she wants me to come to a songwriter's conference in St. Louis in October. I'm getting really excited at the thought of being in a room with a few dozen people who can't sit and watch a film or read a book without writing a song based off of something they saw or heard, haha. Now if only I can master the finer art of playing the piano and singing at the same time... THAT will be an accomplishment!
And lastly, my prayers go out to the family and friends of Perry Moore (producer for all three Narnia films). I
was extremely saddened to hear that he had passed away. RIP!
DBF out!

In which I celebrate the number 201.

And why am I doing so, you may ask?


Today marks the day that I have written my 201st song! Which is a pretty big milestone for me. Going back through all the songs I've written in the past two and a half years and seeing how they've grown along with me is pretty crazy. I can now withstand the embarassing tidbits that were my first lyrics (ugh, they will not ever be recorded if I have a say in it, haha) because of the few that I am exceptionally proud of (for example, the one I wrote for my little sister, or one of my personal favorites, a letter to my favorite fictional character of all time). Perhaps this will warrant a honest attempt at recording (via video) one or two of them tomorrow to share on here? It's possible!

I began reading A Midsummer Night's Dream today. I'll be honest; Shakespeare is not my cup of tea, but this one actually has me interested. I haven't made it that far into it, though, so the verdict is still out. It helps a bit though that my sister caught glimpse of the name "Lysander" and told me she thought it said "Skandar". Very distracting from the plot, but helpful to the imagination.
ALSO, my glasses came in today. So after I was finished school, we ran to Wal*Mart and picked them up. It was strange to have them on at first, but I've already gotten used to them. (It's easy to get used to being able to read stuff that once was blurry!)

And now, to conclude, one of the most adoreable things I have ever seen. (The text that was added is a bit of a nuisance, but it can be easily overlooked. (;)

DBF out!

In which I assist one of my dear blogging friends.

It feels good to be helpful.
Normally, I don't trust internet download programs, but a good computer-genius friend of mine recommended this one to me, and it's done wonders since. Unfortunately Blogger doesn't do any attachment options like sending an email does (which is what I was hoping it would allow me to do), so here's the direct link to the program, no sweat. (: Enjoy!
DBF out!

In which I discover that...

NOTHING IS SACRED when it comes to editied photos! (x
Not even Will's tongue, Michael Apted's hair, or the great debate of our time... who gets to be Percy Jackson?! (And, as a quick side note, begin reading "Blue Carpet Mayhem" from the right, not the left!)
The saga continues!

In which I marvel at how good this lotion smells and crave Chinese food.

Seriously, the sweet pea lotion from Bath and Body Works that I have on my hands right now is amazing. The only thing that would make it better was if I had a nice big plate of lo mein to put my nice-smelling hands to good use eating (erm, with a fork, of course), my night would be complete!

Well today (or rather yesterday), my sisters and I auditioned for the coffeehouse. I'm not super nervous or anything. I know that everything will turn out for the best either way! The auditions are, I'm guessing, basically just to make sure that the various "acts" have everything prepared, and to be sure that no one is doing anything that could be deemed inappropriate for a church event. I'm really excited for the actual event! It's this Saturday.

Speaking of upcoming dates... Monday is Valentine's Day. One word to describe V-Day?: Mehh. I'm not big on it... I mean, it's great when someone gives you those yummy little candy hearts, but I'd rather love people every day than just especially on one. But I have deicded that this year, after school, I am going to celebrate it in moderation. Yes, you guessed it... I am going to watch Prince Caspian. I'm torn between the actual movie or the commentary. (Most of the time I just turn on the commentary from the remote when a part is coming up that I like, but I'm undecided as to whether I'll even do that or not.) Urrrrrr. So much indecision! But hey, at least one thing is certain: next year, I can watch The Voyage of the Dawn Treader!

And finally, my glasses will be in this Wednesday. It's going to take a while to get used to (even though I don't have to wear them all the time), but I'm pretty excited about being able to see everything haha. Being farsighted + stygmatism = four-eyed Meg! This is gonna be weird!

DBF out!


In which I apologize for not commenting more and FINALLY post more pictures!

Hehe, and there you have it! I have about a zillion other ones that I'm too much of a procrastinator to put up now, but I will undoubtedly be editing late into the night again tonight now that I'm finally back into the swing of things. School and not feeling a hundred percent have kept me unfortunately pretty preoccupied.

Which leads me to apologize for not keeping up with everyone else's posts! I will be sure to give them the attention they well deserve from here on out! (:

In which I put up another interview that I recalled I love whilst editing more silly Narnia pictures.

Which, YES, means that by the end of the week there will be a whole parade of silly pictures up on here. Thank God for the girl I'm friends with on Facebook who literally has every Narnia picture known to mankind saved in about seven photo albums!

And now... the interview I promised in the title. Because Georgie is so cute (I love the "wahoo" thing she does with her hands at the beginning, I literally do that all the time!), and at 0:45-0:47, Skandar has the best laugh in the world.

In which I discover that my dog smells awful.

She is also laying in my room, so now that's all I can smell. Yeech.

Oh boy, lemme tell you, I don't like history. I haven't the foggiest idea what possessed me to take up reading in complete detail about the Civil War (possibly because I live in the middle of where it took place? Reeeeally starting to think that wasn't a good enough reason haha), but it was a pretty horrid idea. Not only am I only on page 237 of 810, but there are TWO other books which are each about 200 pages longer than the next. This will be the death of me for sure.

So the video that I edited has been processing in an unpublished post for three days now. But I'm pretty determined to get it on here, so I'll just have to wait and see what happens!

And, as far as I know, I have finally re-enabled commenting on here. Yippy skippy!

In day to day news, yesterday I went to an eye appointment because I have terrible eyesight, haha, and had to get my eyes dialated. (Which are just these drops that make everything brighter so that you can read the letter test thing easier.) It was pretty weird, especially since it made my pupils so huge it looked like I had black eyes instead of blue. But thankfully I finally got through the test. Turns out I'm far-sighted, and need to get glasses for when I'm driving, watching TV, doing stuff on the computer, and other things that might require me to read stuff from far away, since everything is pretty blurry now. I'm not really worried about it. On the contrary, I'm pretty excited about picking out frames. Is that weird? Haha, it sounded sort of weird when I said it today. Oh, and also, the evil, mysterious bug bite -- shortly after turning purple and itching like mad -- has finally disappeared for good. Thank God!!

Last but not least, I discovered today (five minutes after it was posted on Facebook) that The Voyage of the Dawn Treader will be available on DVD and Blu-Ray on APRIL 8TH!! Huzzahness! It's almost Treader Time!! I can't wait!

Hope everyone's having a fantastic week!

DBF out!


(oh, and there's also this... I can't POSSIBLY be the only one who thinks it's strangely adoreable how he says "Washington". xD)