In which I have stumbled across a rather nice photo.

Whilst on Google, I came across THIS piece of beauty...

...nuff said.


the other Pevensie girl said...

Except that Skandar's hair should never be that short ever again, no matter how well he pulls it off. Just saying. (x

Lady Caroline of Rohan said...

Agreed. Longer hair for Skandar. And, no slouching. But his eyes are still the same deep, brooding, gorgeous, hypnotizing Skandar eyes I know and love. Georgie's got the best hair of the bunch.

the other Pevensie girl said...

Oh dear, I know what you mean! I could get lost in eyes like that. *swoon* I agree! One of my friends told me that I have hair like hers, but I disagree haha.

Queen Elizabeth said...

My friends tell me I have hair like hers too. Mine's the same type, thick and wavy, but mine's dark blonde. I've never died my hair before and I don't plan on it. :)

Dear Skandar,
Please keep the locks long.
(He looks like he did in LWW in this pic) XD

the other Pevensie girl said...

Oh cool! Yeah, mine is supposed to be really dark brown, but I dyed it black last winter, which was a huuuuge mistake cause it has taken over and I can't go back to brown without professional care now haha. Yours sounds really pretty! (:
I AGREE! I wonder what he would look like if he sported the surfer hair again now like he did between LWW and PC? That would be interesting haha.

Lady Caroline of Rohan said...

I have brunette hair, but I have to straighten it because it's frizzy. It's naturally loosely curley. I've never dyed it, and I'm letting it grow long to look "princessy" lol.
I think Skandar's hair's finest hour was PC. Just between long and short. Have you seen the pictures of him with braces? They're so cute! I like them because I have braces right now. :#

the other Pevensie girl said...

Oh yeah, I feel your pain, mine is like a huge ball of curly POOF in the morning. (x Good luck with letting it grow out!
Me too, that look was perfect on him. Yes, oh my gosh! I loke the ones from the interview he did with MTV, where he's holding the umbrella. Adoreable! Haha it's good to be able to take something less-than-positive like braces and compare it to something cute like Skandar. (x

Lady Caroline of Rohan said...

Skedmund is just so great for everything!xD

the other Pevensie girl said...

Haha, agreed, agreed!

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