In which I take Windows Live Writer for a test run.

Mmhmm. WLW is pretty nifty.

SO. Only 16 days left till Voyage of the Dawn Treader is out on DVD and Blu-ray. HECK YES! My sister sent me a pic via cell phone of Wal*Mart’s ad for it in their store, even though I was standing right there. I hopped in one place for a bit and “SQUEEEEEE”ed some, but hey. That’s what Narniacs do.

I taught myself how to play There’s A Place For Us by accident yesterday while I was playing piano. I know that it’s not the legit thing, and it probably pales in comparison to the actual song, but at least I can jam a version of it out whenever I feel like it!

In other news, I am addicted to frozen yogurt. There’s this lovely little place called Sweet Frog about ten minutes from my house, and it is amazing fantastic out of this world EPIC. It’s a frozen yogurt buffet. You get a flavor of yogurt, then put whatever you want on top. The coolest thing though is that you could literally put ANYTHING as a topping, cause they’ve got everything from Kit Kats to marshmallows to fresh fruit to cake. CAKE. I am in love.

Also, though I’m not exactly an overwhelmingly huge fan of Twilight (in fact it really just bugs me), the soundtrack for New Moon is pretty awesome. If you, like me, enjoy random music that no one ever listened to before it was in the film, then it’s a paradise.

Lastly, it has come to my attention that the Skedmund collage that I had at the bottom of the posts on my blog has disappeared in the course of switching over so that comments could be posted. This is a depressing find, so I’m working on a new one. (Along with the next part of The Potter Plot, which I hope to have finished by the end of this week!) Oh heck, I’ll just toss a few avatars up here now to help sooth the Skedmund withdraw. Honestly, it won’t be that much trouble. (;


34826_140040872717410_100001344930258_194604_8019380_n[1] 35616_180398558653753_100000508293229_655207_6920850_n[1] 

vdt edmund av1 stupid lucky bird av

skandar vaaaampireee idk av

Later loves!

DBF out!


Kellie Ann Cassel said...

Haha we are so alike :) I was actually trying to play "the Call" when I ended up learning there's a place for us. I know what you mean with the random music thing. i heard this song from Sweeney Todd on tv and I was like Hey! That's catchy! VDT 16 days!

the other Pevensie girl said...

Too funny! Turns out I had written a song in the same exact key, so that's how I discovered it, so to speak. Haha, that's amazing! I had yet to find someone who shared my love of strange music, so now I'm pretty chipper. I salute you! :D

Caroline said...

Ah, Skedmund you never fail to charm me!
Lol, you sound like me the day we went to see VDT. We had to shop that day and in every store I was all giddy girl. And then I had play rehearsal that night and all I wanted to do was tell everyone about the movie.
I am not making this up; about the only songs I've been playing on the piano this past week are The Call, Where, Can't Take It In, Wunderkind, and There's a Place for Us (the last one I have most difficulty with). Something about the Narnia songs, it's almost like a heart massage if that makes sense.

the other Pevensie girl said...

Hahaha, well, you know what they say... you can take the Narniac out of the girl, but you'll never take the girl out of the Narniac... wait...
That is completely awesome!! Great minds think alike, no? Haha, that's a brilliant way of putting it. "Heart massage"; love it!

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