In which my fingers hurt from playing guitar a lot.

I’m not quite used to playing my guitar (what with it only having two strings on it and whatnot), but I ack-chellay managed to defy the odds and write a song on it this evening. There’s this songwriting class that I go to at my church every month, and our “homework” for this month was to write a song that asks a question (an amazing example of such a song would be What If by Nichole Nordeman). I’m very happy with how it turned out, and hope that when I share it next month, everyone else will enjoy it too! If you’d like I’ll post the lyrics so that you can be my first judges of how I did.

In editing news, I’m nearly finished the first quarter of the Skandar collage (I think I’m aiming for it to have around 50 different pictures in it, which is a LOT of resizing!), and hopefully getting at least half of TPP Part Two done tonight. Ahh, the life of an insomniac.

In other news, I believe my wisdom teeth are coming in, so if I disappear for a few days within the next few weeks, that is probably why. My little sister has bronchitis, so I’m praying that I don’t catch that too!

And, to conclude, I recall a while back coming across this interesting video on one of the Narnia fansites, which included a rather adorable shot of Skandar twirling around in a circle and laughing on the deck of the Dawn Treader, during the filming of the scene where Edmund, Lucy, and Eustace first get into Narnia. It’s been about three months and I have NO IDEA WHERE I SAW IT. It’s perplexing me as only a lost Skedmund video could.

Here’s to searching, editing, and doing biology till my head explodes with a nice can of Mountain Dew and sore fingers! Not to mention that my iTunes decided to go and delete three quarters of the album artwork out of my library for Lord only knows what reason, which is pretty pesky to retrieve when one has 1013 songs on their iPod. Oh well. At least I have stuff to do! Positive thinking is a virtue.

DBF out!


Caroline said...

I would love to read the lyrics! I usually write my songs on guitar, but in January I wrote one for piano, called "What about Today." I've gotten quite a few compliments on it, some even said it made them cry. So now I'm beginning to wonder if songwriting is my calling, and naturally I love hear the work of fellow singersongwriters.
*gasp* Potter Plot AND Skandar collage?! My, how you spoil us! I can hardly wait.
I never saw that Skandar twirl video. Let me know if you remember it so I don't feel deprived of any Skantics,lol.
I hate that about your sister; I'll be praying for you both.
Oh my, that would frustrate me; I love my album covers. Seeing a default gray square with a music note on it makes me mad. But I'm glad that you remain Princess Positive. :)

Caroline said...

Oh and speaking of songwriting, have you copyrighted any of your songs? I'm trying to figure out the best way to do it for some of mine without denting my slim wallet, lol.

the other Pevensie girl said...

Oh goodie! I will post them as soon as I get more than five minutes, haha.
I haven't read a lyric, and it sounds so lovely! What is it about? I know what you mean, it's always so nice to find someone who shares the same passion!
Haha, I'm hoping that either one or the other will be done before the weekend is up. Thanks so much for the prayers, from both me and my sister! She was very grateful.
Haha oh my, the infamous Skandar twirl! It's driving me insane that I can't find it. But as soon as I do, it'll be on here so that I never lose it! >:) Wahahahaha, Princess Positive. Love it!
Ahh, I was talking just recently with my vocal teacher about copywriting songs, and she was giving me some tips. I'll confirm some stuff with her and then get back to ya if you'd like! (:

Caroline said...

Thank you, my dear blogging friend :) And if you like, I can post the words to "What About Today." Jus' say the word.

the other Pevensie girl said...

Oh, yes please! That would be awesome. (:

Kellie Ann Cassel said...

That's great that you guys are so great at poetry and songwriting. :) I've never been one for singing, but I do enjoy playing a sweet tune on my piano. I actually wrote a song once, but I've never gotten around to trying to play it. I usually hear parts of songs that I like and mash them all together, then putting my own twist to create a new song.

Good luck when you show your song to your group Meg :)
And I can't wait for the Skedmund collage. Remember when we came up with that? SKEDMUND! lol Good times.

Caroline said...

Lol, we've practically created our own little language: Skedmund, ack-chellay, blunderkind, and of course, DBF. And then the other little things like Wizzle's Potter hatred, Skandar's unmoisturized lips, and Caspian and Peter's hair wars. Ha ha, what a life! :)

Kellie Ann Cassel said...

*Smile On Face. We are so creative. I remember back on NarniaWeb when Caroline first started throwing out some Skandar-isms. haha, and of course our favorite scene (It's KING Edmund ack-chellay)

Caroline said...

xD Skandarisms! New word for the language! *fanfare* Skandar was the first thing we discovered we had in common, and now look where we are! Thank you Skandar!

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